On Earth, Bad Things Happen To Good People!

We all suffer in this world.  Life is not fair and we are not IN Heaven.  And that is the simple, short and true answer as to why “bad things happen to good people”.  It’s not Heaven-not yet.  Our earth is a fallen world and bad things do happen to good people.  They just do.

And don’t forget, Jesus warned us, “that in this world, we will have trouble”.

Perhaps the hardest is when we suffer unjustly or see someone we love suffer unjustly, but that is when we need to remember and focus on that: no one suffered more unjustly than Jesus! And He did so with such Grace and Forgiveness. So perhaps we just need to focus on His example :). And although it can be hard, with God, Nothing is impossible!

And we need to reach out with Love and Kindness because so many people suffer on this earth:

Perhaps it’s a father with a family depending on him, who through no fault of his own, lost his job.

Perhaps it’s a really good person who just seems to suffer illness after illness.

Perhaps it’s a person wrongfully convicted of crime they did not commit.

Perhaps someone we love very much left for Heaven before we were ready!

There are so many ways that people suffer, many of them unjust.  And while it is easy to tell ourselves that it’s “just not Heaven yet”, we can still feel sorry for ourselves sometimes.  I know I do!

But that is when we need to think  not only about how Jesus suffered, but how all those who loved Him did.

His Father, who sacrificed His only Son for our sake, must have suffered greatly to see His Son in so much pain. To know that pain was coming. I can’t even imagine!

His Mother Mary must have suffered so to see Him crucified, but stood at His feet anyway.  How she must have worried when He was gone Preaching and Sharing the Good News, and yet supported Him and loved Him so. I know I couldn’t have done it! It just would have hurt too much!

Jesus, who not only suffered so on the Cross, but must have also suffered hurt when He was betrayed, when so many called for His death, even though all He had ever done was love and serve them! How it must have hurt when He thought of the pain that His Father and Mother, and all those who love Him felt. How it must have hurt when He left Heaven to come to earth to save us!

His Apostles, who loved Jesus so much, how they must have hurt to see Him suffer so! How frustrated and scared they must have been!

Mary Magdeline, who Jesus saved, how much she must have hurt to see Jesus hurt so. It had to have torn her heart.

The list of people who suffered, and especially Jesus, is endless.  And it puts our own suffering into perspective, if we let it.  Whatever we are suffering, it’s temporary.  Heaven IS Real and we WILL go HOME one day 🙂

But while we are here and because life on earth is indeed imperfect, there is no better example to follow than Christ’s and those who Loved Him 🙂

Fear & Freedom

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. “-Isaiah 41:10

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”-President Ronald Reagan

Freedom, whether we are talking about freedom in this country, or in our spiritual life, can not exist with fear.  Only one can ultimately triumph.

Fear is a sneaky emotion.  It wells up in us before we even realize it.  We worry about our children, about our finances, about the health of those we love.  And although it can help to realize there is a limit to what we can do on our own and bring the rest, in Jesus’ Name, to our Father God, we still worry…

But fear can only triumph if we act upon it or let it consume us.  When we give up our freedom to Follow Jesus.  When we give in to behaviors that are of this world-but not of God.  When we give up our faith in Jesus for a more “comfortable” life.  That is when fear triumphs!

Instead, we need to let the Holy Spirit triumph in us ?

We are “in this world”, but “we are not of it”.  When we feel afraid, we need to call upon the Holy Spirit.  As the movie says, “don’t give in and don’t give up”!

Why Is Homeschooling The Most Important Political Issue Of Our Day?

“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”-Matthew 18:6

Protecting the right of parents to Homeschool their children has always been important, but never more so than now!  From ensuring our children receive the best education possible to ensuring they are taught the values and traditions that their parents support-Homeschooling gives parents a choice. A choice that they desperately need!  And a choice they should have.

With Christianity under attack as never before, Homeschooling allows parents to raise their children freely in their faith.  Sadly, with public schools pushing such topics as gay marriage and support for transgenderism, public schools are no longer a good place for Christian children.

And with private school tuition rising, Home schooling remains the most affordable option!

One might ask why Homeschooling would be a topic on this particular site.  And the answer is that protecting the right of parents to homeschool their children is a top priority for all parents, but especially for Christian parents.

And evil is coming for it.

So please, pray.  Pray in Jesus’ Name that our Father God will protect the rights of parents to homeschool their children.  Pray for our elected representatives, that they will have the courage and ability to fight for this important issue.

Do We Hear What We Want Too?

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. “- 2 Timothy 4:3 -4

We are all guilty of that at some point, in our life here on earth and in our life with Christ, aren’t we? We, want to do things “our way”, but Following Jesus means doing it His Way-not our own. It means “loving God with our whole heart and soul” and “loving others as ourselves” 🙂

It also means following the Bible as it is written; we don’t get to change it. Society may change, but we must not. Because the Bible has not changed, nor has God’s Will for our lives.

No matter what church we attend, we need to read the Bible for ourselves. We need to know what God wants to teach us! Because many (but not all) churches are changing their teaching in order to keep their buildings (and coffers) full. Find a church that actually teaches ALL of the Bible as it is written!

Read the Bible and decide for yourself what it says! And ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand it 🙂 And especially, learn what it says for you and your life 🙂

What Do America & Israel Have In Common?

An increase in lawlessness. A sad, but true statement.

“And because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.”-Matthew 24

As we approach Christ’s Return, the Bible says that lawlessness will be increased. Do we not see that now? From riots in Seattle, Portland and New York to the internal riots in Israel, lawlessness has, sadly, indeed increased!

So be warned and prepare. This is just the beginning.

Prepare, Watch and Pray!

Israel Stands Alone!

The only thing that Biden and his followers have shown is that Israel stands alone. It’s been reported that Biden has pressured Israel into a ceasefire to the report of the Congressional stand against even increasing weapons that are used for self-defense, the American Government has shown that it does NOT stand with Israel. And the world has shown the same!

In the Bible, it says that in the end-Israel will stand alone and God alone will Help them!

We have just passed another Biblical milestone as we move towards Jesus’ Return.

But Israel will be Saved: “But Israel will be saved by the LORD with an everlasting salvation; you will not be put to shame or humiliated, to ages everlasting.”-Isaiah 45:17

Keep Praying :)

There are always times in the life of any Believer that God feels farther away.  But God did not move, we did.

Because we have felt God’s Presence before, we miss that feeling desperately.  And at times, it can even cause the faithful to have doubts.

But God IS still here ?.  He has not left!

One of the best pieces of advice my Dad ever gave me was to pray when I feel like it, but especially when I don’t.  Just keep praying ?

The “feelings” of God’s Presence will return ?

For faith is not about what we feel at any given day; it’s about who we choose to Follow every single day ?

God IS Real 3

As you know from God IS Real and God IS Real 2, I am simply sharing my visions with you so you can realize too , that God IS Real and He loves you. And no matter what happens in our world, Jesus will walk with you-if you let Him 🙂

So we are finally in 2021, and I know something really important from the many visions I have had-God IS Real.

Notice I said, “I know”. Not I hope. Not I believe. I know. Reading that, some may not realize just how important that is. But it takes our faith, which is based upon our beliefs, from a “believing” to a “knowing”. And that is really important!

We’ve all heard this Bible verse: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1”. And that is true, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for”. And Faith is a precious gift. But it is different than “knowing”.

And it’s not just that I know God IS Real. Others know it too. Perhaps you do too! But we need to share that encouragement with each other 🙂

And so below I have left a “calendar” of some of the visions I saw this year. I truly hope that gives all of you encouragement. God IS Real and so is Heaven 🙂

January 2, 2021, Prayed by the light and rested. At 10:30 pm, I saw the Fish on the wall and picture that looked like car headlights with four little lights each. Both were drawn in light.

January 16, 2021 I saw a large fish made of a Rainbow. I also saw the Holy Spirit reading the Bible.

January 17 ,2021. I saw a man with blinders running really fast.

Jan 18, 2021 I saw many Rainbows in the house.

January 19, 2021. I saw Rainbows everywhere in the morning. And at night, I saw Christ’s silouette and an angel. I also saw two suns in the light.

January 20, 2021. I saw Jesus’ Face and the Holy Spirit in the light 🙂

I was afraid to write about these visions, but on January 20th, I opened my Bible to the story of Jeremiah and his scribe, Baruch. God hid Baruch 🙂

January 23, 2021. I saw the Face of Jesus and the Holy Spirit

January 25, 2021 I felt Mary’s Presence and knew she was with me 🙂

January 26, 2021 I felt God’s Presence and wrote the story of Fatima on FollowingJesusUS.com. At night, it was cloudy. But one strip of the sky opened up and the sun came down into it. The top half of the sun was encircled by a Rainbow. Moments later, despite being in FB jail, I found out that my story of Fatima did indeed go out 🙂

January 2021-I had another really vivid dream. I was dancing with Jesus, around and around. I was out of breath (but in a good way) and laughing so! I woke up so filled with joy 🙂

I started playing the song we were dancing too every night at five pm, and saw Christ’s Face and the Holy Spirit most nights then 🙂

January 28, 2021, after writing my third piece on Mary (Fatima, Guadalupe and Lourdes), I saw Mary. Dressed ina white with a gown with beautiful folds.

I also saw myself in Heaven as a little girl. I had a really short haircut then and was standing on the greeenest grass. I was so sick back then. (I had open heart surgery with a few complications)

January 28, 2021, At 4:45 pm I saw Jesus. There was an incredibly blue sky behind Him. I saw Him for only a second, but I knew it was him. I saw him through a lighted opening. It seemed almost like a door.

January 29, 2021, When I woke there were Rainbows and Lights everywhere. It was so beautiful. And later I saw a glimpse of Mary’s Face drawn in light and my heart was so filled with gratitude. I wrote an explanation of the Trinity that same day.

Saw our Father’s and Jesus’ Face. And I saw the Holy Spirit. God told me the Rainbow was in me 🙂

On January 31, 2021 I saw an article about Candida being the next big virus. Perhaps. I have seen visions of another disease coming. It was like a microscope picture in light. It had lines and circles in it. But I didn’t recognize which disease. There have also been a billion genetically modified mosquitos released in Florida. They also carry disease. We should enjoy our time in God’s sun, but we should also prepare for the future and pray 🙂

February 3, 2021, Jesus woke me up at 7:30 and the hallway was filled with Light and Rainbows everywhere :). The largest Rainbow was on the ceiling; it was so amazing and so beautiful! If our God can do that-He can do anything 🙂

February 3,2021, At 4:55 I went outside to Pray and was reminded that Light always overcomes the dark. God showed me that this is always true.

February 2021, Saw the word “Ascending” in blue in the middle of the night. It was so vivid! And just like a google search!

February 6, 2021, It was a grey, cloudy day. No sun anywhere. And then the Rainbows were everywhere! They were beautiful and so amazing!

I saw the movie, “Therese of the Little Flower”. A friend had suggested I see it. What made her so incredibly special is that she did all the “little things” for others. She loved God and she loved people. What a great example to follow 🙂

February 8, 2021, Rainbows were everywhere and the sun became so very bright! I felt surrounded by light as I prayed :). When I layed down to rest for a few minutes, I saw a Cross surrounded by blue and white Light. And I saw two soldiers in the dark.

4:50 PM, I saw our Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and I felt great peace. And I saw the microscope picture of the coming disease, but the peace I felt did not diminish.

February 9, 2021, I saw the Christian Fish and Headlights lit up in gold on the wall in the middle of the night.

February 10, 2021 I saw such vivid Rainbows. It was like I was driving on a Rainbow even though there was no sun anywhere!

I heard Mary say, “Pray Pennance”, and I knew she meant the Rosary. I remain so grateful for the Rosary :). It is such a wonderful gift!

February 14, 2021, I saw incredibly vivid Rainbows, although there was no sun. The Rainbow belongs to God and God alone! He made it 🙂 I truly pity those who have used it for sinful purposes.

February 16, 2021, I saw vivid Rainbows again, although there was no sun. Around 11 am, I saw Jesus’ Face. At 4:50 PM, I saw Jesus again and remembered this incredibly vivid dream I had dancing with the Lord.

February 17, 2021 (Ash Wens), saw vivid Rainbows and Jesus’ Face. And I saw the microscope picture of the coming disease again. The Rainbows were amazing 🙂

February 18, 2021, I felt so weak, I didn’t think I could keep standing. Just then, the sun shown through the front door and God strengthened me :). And I was able to write again 🙂

February 2021, It rained so hard. I have always been a fearful driver and prayed that God would have mercy on me. I got in the car and the rain lightened and I was surrounded by rainbows. Despite the rain, it felt like I was driving on the Rainbow-perfectly safe and at peace 🙂 A song came on the car radio, “A Friend of God”.

February 20, 2021, I had a very vivid dream. It was frantic, very frantic! I saw small, red, flat, circles on the bed, kind of like bugs. Later I was curious and looked up “Red Flat Bugs”, and got Bed Bugs, which do carry disease and are ironically attracted to yeast.

Mosquitos, candida, bed bugs? The answer is the same: Pray!

February 25, 2021, I saw beautiful Rainbows on the ceiling. Thank you Lord!

And I waw a Cross lit in light on the garage door.

February 28, 2021, I saw Rainbows everywhere. When I drove, it was like driving on Rainbows.

March 1, 2021, saw the Christian Fish and Headlights (four) on the wall in the middle of the night.

March 3, 2021, went outside to Pray as usual. Saw a man with black rimmed glasses in a cloud. Looked like the Chinese leader. I saw the blue skies of Heaven and a Rainbow in the Light. And I saw our Father, the Holy Spirit, Jesus and Mary. And I was not afraid. I was at peace 🙂

March 4, 2021. At 8 am I saw the Holy Spirit and Jesus, and the microscope picture of the disease.

I sawthe sun surrounded by a circle of Rainbows. It was so beautiful.

At 4:50 pm, I saw our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Rainbow in the Light. Jesus’ Face was wrapped in a white shawl with only His Face showing. A Rainbow covered just a little of His Face and surrounded one sign. What a great Gift 🙂

March 5th, 2021. God’s Light is so beautiful. It’s like I am standing in it, strengthened by it.

Later, I saw a man with a mustache, but just his face.

Late at night, I saw the Christian Fish and the Headlights lit up in light on the wall.

March 7, 2021. Rainbows surrounded me so much, that I felt like I was driving on one. They filled the sky as well. When I got home, there was a white Cross on the garage door 🙂

March 8th, 2021. At 8am, I saw God’s Light and in that Light was a Cross. It was first surrounded by Blue and then by a Rainbow.

And then I saw the Holy Spirit.

At 4:50 pm, I saw the Holy Spirit in drawn in Light. It was the same vision of the Holy Spirit that I saw before.

March 9, 2021-My Father is so generous with His Mercy, always giving us more than we even ask for :). I saw Jesus waving from Heaven, the Holy Spirit and the microscope picture. I knew I would one day be in Heaven with Jesus, but His enouragement meant everything 🙂

Later, I saw four gold circles and a Rainbow. They turned Blue. This incredible Blue that I love so very much. A Blue not seen on this earth, it is only seen in Heaven.

March 29, 2021. Today I saw vivid Rainbows everywhere. On the garage was a white Cross drawn in Light. The bush in the garden was bathed in a light that turned the leaves Blue. The smaller bushes were lit in yellow and the roofs were different colors of the Rainbow.

The Rainbow should never be misused for it was created by our Lord!

At 4:50, I saw the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ Face. Jesus again wore a white cloak 🙂

Holy Thursday: I saw a double Rainbow above the sun 🙂 God always keeps His promises.

On Holy Saturday, I saw amazing Rainbows while driving and the white Cross on my garage again 🙂

On April 6, 2021, I saw Rainbows fill the sky and color the bushes and roofs with this incredible light of Rainbow colors. That must be what Heaven is like. Because God’s Light touches everything 🙂

At 4:45, I saw the Holy Spirit and that incredible Blue. Jesus was there 🙂 I also saw two men in tailored cloaks. I also saw a Tiger, and incredible Rainbows and the color Blue.

On April 8th, I saw Rainbows and saw a white Cross lit in light on the door.

In April 2021, we had rented a cabin in the mountains. When we left, I saw the silhouette of Jesus and Mary ligt in light.

On April 11th, I saw the Christian Fish, but not the headlights.

On April 12th, I saw lighted Crosses on the wall. At 4:50 pm, I saw Jesus in a white Robe :). I saw Rainbows in the Light. And I saw my favorite color-Blue.

On April 15th, I saw Jesus’ full form. Especially His Hands. And I saw Rainbows and the color Blue.

On April 18th, I had this dreadful rash. It was SO itchy (turned out to be excema). I am pretty good at dealing with pain and other health issues, but not with itchiness. It was so itchy, it was also bruised! (From scratching so much lol) But at the end of the day, I saw Jesus and I dancing in the Light. There were Rainbows everywhere. Jesus was as usual dressed in a white cloak. I saw a Blue eye and Blue Light. It felt like I was getting closer to Heaven :).

A word on suffering…All suffering is hard to bear sometimes. It could be emotional or physical pain, itchiness lol, the loss of someone we love…But I feel like God always gives us much more than we fee that we lost-if we let Him.

On April 21, 2021, at 4:55 I saw Jesus and I dance again. I saw Rainbows everywhere and the Holy Spirit, which was also filled with Rainbows. All in the Light. When I think about it, both Jesus and the Holy Spirit are both God’s Promises fulfilled and the Rainbows are simply His reminder 🙂

On April 22, 2021. I saw Jesus and me in the Light, and deep, vibrant Rainbows everywhere. The Bush was lit up with Blue on it’s leaves, and I saw the Holy Spirit in the Light.

I also saw a silhouette of Mary in Blue 🙂

On April 23, Vivid Rainbows were everywhere :). And I needed them! I was on my way to the doctor again!

On April 25th, I saw the Holy Spirit. And I saw a person in Heaven. I also saw a person with a big beard!

When I call upon the Holy Spirit to Help me, it’s as if I feel a lightness of being.

Later, I also saw Jesus with a Rainbow on His right shoulder.

It’s almost as if I have one foot in Heaven and one foot on earth. 🙂

As my health worsens, I still feel filled with such joy. God is so good 🙂

on April 26th, I saw vivid Rainbows. I saw Jesus and the Holy Spirit in Light. I saw an incredible Rainbow and I saw the microscopic picture again.

On April 27, 2021. I saw the Blue Light, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I saw yellow flowers in the Light.

Later, when I said the Rosary, I saw my favorite color-Blue.

In April 2021, I saw a green light in the sky on a walk. I saw Rainbows and God’s Light on a bush. The bush was lit with lights that were filled with the colors of the Rainbow and Green :).

April 29th, 2021, I saw Jesus and the Holy Spirit in Light 🙂

On April 30th, 2021, I saw the sun on water with vivid Rainbows and I saw Jesus smiling.

On May 2nd and 3rd, 2021, I saw Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

On May 4th, 2021, I saw Jesus and me :). I saw the Holy Spirit and I saw the sign of the Harvest (scythe)

On May 5th, I saw a vibrant Rainbow on the way to the doctor (again).

It turned out that the book I had sent my mom, that I thought had been my dad’s, had actually been her’s when she was a little girl. Funny how God works 🙂

May 6th, 2021, I saw God our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit outlined in Light. And I saw Mary outlined in Blue Light. I saw Jesus’ Shepherd Staff. It was lit in light and sideways. I saw Jesus in Light and Rainbows and was so grateful 🙂

May 8th, 2021. I saw the headlights lit on the wall late at night. But now instead of four, there was only two.

I also saw a missle lit up on the wall. It was not long before the Hamas struck Israel with missiles.

May 11 & 12, 2021, I saw vivid Rainbows all around me and I felt like I was driving on a Rainbow.

In the Spring of 2021, I saw a large, grey mosquito. Larger than I had ever seen. And very different. I didn’t see it’s wings, just its body. I also dreamt of a large frog. It was so vivid. It was like the mosquito, only I was asleep. I was awake when I saw the grey mosquito.

In May 2021, I saw beautiful, pink roses in a white container. The box lit by Rainbows and Light 🙂

On May 14, 2021, I saw super vivid Rainbows. And the bush outside was lit up with pink lights.

On May 15th, I saw Jesus, my Father and the Holy Spirit and in an incredibly Blue sky. I saw an odd structure to. It almost looked like some type of stucture with a cave in it-surrounded by light and blue skies.

May 16, 2021, I saw Jesus and the Holy Spirit and two white lights just for a moment.

May 19, 2021, God told me to come outside. He called me His daughter and said He said He had a surprise.

I saw a new, beautiful and different Blue. The sun became very bright and the Blue Light around it grew and grew into a huge circle. I saw beautiful Lights and Rainbows. Oh the Gifts God can give us, if we let Him 🙂

There were other visions that I do not write of here. Crosses in the sky, Mary and many others. But I bet if you look around your life, you will find miracles of your own. They are there; we just have to see them 🙂

I do not share this to say how special I am, but rather how special YOU are :). And how much God loves YOU 🙂. All Glory belongs to God 🙂

We often confuse those who teach of our Lord with someone incredibly strong. That’s not always so. God uses the weak (like me lol). Those who do not feel they are worthy, because it is God who is so incredibly Good & Special. For it is God who loves us and who will save us and bring us to Heaven , if we let Him 🙂

Do not fear, God has you 🙂

When God Says No :)

We all know that feeling ☹.  We pray really hard for something we feel is selfless and worthy, and God says “No”.  He doesn’t say-“not yet”.  He says “No”.  And it can be difficult to accept sometimes.

But the truth is, God doesn’t just know about our todays and yesterdays, like we do.  He knows all of our tomorrows and the tomorrows of all of those we love.  His thoughts are “higher than our thoughts”, and He just knows better what we need versus what we want.

There is another reason God says “No”.  The more challenges we face, the closer we grow to God.  There is something about having to depend on God for our most basic needs that strengthens our faith and brings us closer to our Father.  And that my friends, is well worth it!

There is a third reason.  This is not Heaven.  It is a fallen world. We live in it, but we are not “of it”.  Heaven is our home and we will return there ?

Meet you at the Gate ?

God IS Real 2 :)

Let me assure you my friends, God IS Real 🙂

The visions came back a few years ago and I was filled with all kinds of emotions. Joy to see our Lord again. Doubts because I felt so unworthy. And a determination to serve our Lord in whatever way I could, whatever way God Willed 🙂

And, of course, I was afraid. Gideon is my hero, because he always acted, even when afraid, even if he did it in the dark lol. 🙂

In fact, many warned me that I should be afraid to say just about anything. And I received a number of threats, so I had reason to be afraid. We live in a “cancel culture” and Christians are under attack in this country as never before.

I know that there are many people who do not believe in visions. And I don’t blame them one bit, there have been an awful number of people faking it. But I ask everyone to remember too, Jesus has been appearing to many Muslims through out the Middle East.  So why wouldn’t Jesus appear in America, because Jesus loves us-all!

I’m only sharing mine for two reasons.  The first is to let others know that God IS Real.  And the second is so that others who truly have visions will not be afraid to share them. 

As for those who doubt, remember this. I want nothing from anyone.  This site raises no money and accepts no donations.  

In 2018 and 2019, I had many visions of Rainbows everywhere. A reminder of God’s Promise to us :). And a reminder that He always keeps His promises :). And I saw trees and bushes with the sun light hitting them, only they were many different colors, all of the Rainbow 🙂 . Amazing and beautiful, I realized that must be what Heaven is like. With all of nature touched by God’s Light.

And I had a number of visions of Heaven. In one I was a little girl standing on the greenest grass I ever saw. In yet another, I was at a picnic with people I loved singing Amazing Grace. In still another, I saw my whole family there!

In 2018, I heard God say that “whoever you pray for to be Blessed will be Blessed.”. So I did a lot of praying 🙂

And if the answer was not the one I wanted, I remembered that God always has His reasons and can see all of our tomorrows 🙂

In 2018, I had a very vivid dream. My husband and my children and I were all in Heaven together.  We sat on a wrought iron bench. Snow fell on us, but we were not cold.  I remember we were all laughing and filled with Joy.  We were all in Heaven.

In 2018, I also had a vision of a woman typing on a computer in a Rainbow.  And I realized that was meant to be me and that I had better get busy ?.  But as usual, I was scared.  Until I read about Baruch.  Baruch was Jeremiah’s scribe in the Bible.  He was scared too. But God “hid” him.  From that moment I was determined to do whatever I was called to do and count on God to “hide” me. ?

Also in 2018, I started praying for my friend Gloria.  Gloria had become a very close friend.  We met at church and went to pulmonary rehab together.  I was the only white girl in an African American church.  The Pastor once asked me, “How did you come here?”.  I answered truthfully, “God sent me”.  As soon as I walked into the church, I could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Not all churches are like that.  Gloria was horrifically sick, and was truly an inspiration to me and so many others.  Despite her suffering, she always kept her amazing faith in God.  Just knowing her made my life so much better.  She is, finally, in Heaven now.  And as much as I miss her, I am so happy for her!

So a word on race relations, which clearly have suffered greatly this past year.  There are African Americans who love our Lord and those who don’t.  Just as there are white people who love our Lord, and those who don’t.  Racism will end when we all meet at the Cross of Jesus Christ. I will always feel incredibly Blessed to have attended Mount Zion, because I had the privilege of witnessing first hand that so many African Americans love the Lord just as much as we do. So turn off the media that works overtime trying to get us to hate one another.  Because God is color blind ?, and we will all meet in Heaven together!

In 2019, I had so many visions.  Rainbows.  Heaven.  They were endless and made my faith stronger.  Jesus was preparing me.

In November of 2019, I went to see the Christmas show at the Holy Land in Orlando. God had told me before that this would be my last Christmas. During the show, I was so deeply touched by God’s Great Love for us, that I cried and cried. How wonderful is our Lord :). How Blessed are we 🙂

During that show, God asked me if I was willing to stay on earth (rather than go to Heaven). I answered, “Thy Will Be Done”. And I meant it :). Shortly after that Christmas, Gloria went to Heaven and I stayed. I must have had more to do, lol. 🙂

In the winter of 2020 I had a really vivid dream. The Chinese had attacked us and we were hiding in the woods in a camper with snakes all around. But we were safe. Shortly after, Covid started.

In the winter of 2020, I was awake looking at the Jesus Door (more on that later), and I saw Jesus’ Rod light up with a very bright light. I saw it a few nights in a row. A reminder of Christ’s Power, and it also reminded for me – not to be afraid 🙂

In the fall of 2020, I saw an Angel for the first time.  And I knew God had sent that Angel of protect me.  And I was so grateful!  Until a little after Thanksgiving, I saw the Angel most mornings as I wrote FollowingJesusUS.com.  It was as if sunlight had formed the Angel and I got up every morning, excited to see him.  A little after Thanksgiving, I heard God’s Voice boom that the “Protection had ended”.  I wasn’t really sure if our country’s protection had ended or mine had.  But something had indeed changed…

In 2020, I started writing down many of my visions in a journal my daughter had bought for me.  It had the Bible verse “You word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”-Psalm 119:105.  It has always been one of my very favorite verses.  I first heard it when my daughter and I did a Vacation Bible School together. I loved the verse and doing Vacation Bible School with her.  And it’s so true!

In November 2020, I saw two Angels instead of one.  Some say Priests have two Angels to help them.  One to guard them and one to empower them.  I don’t know whether this is so, but I do know that my Angels made me feel braver and stronger!  And I saw the Holy Spirit again :)? After God said, “the Protection had ended”, I never saw the Angels again.

In November , I also saw the car headlights with four lights on each side and a plane drawn in gold light in the middle of the night on a wall.  They were so beautiful!

In 2020, I saw the sign of a  Christian Fish in golden light on the wall in the middle of the night.  Jesus woke me up and I walked out of my bedroom and saw it and was amazed. I saw this several times.  Early Christians used the Fish as a symbol during the time that the Roman Empire persecuted Christians.  Our persecution, sadly, has only just begun, but Jesus WILL be with us, every step of the way.

In 2020, I also saw Two Suns in the rearview mirror of our car.  I was reminded of a picture a dear friend had sent me years ago.  It was of a car’s rear view mirror and it said, “objects in the rear view mirror are closer than they appear”.  In his “vision” years ago, he meant Jesus was closer than we realized.  His picture had the same tree I prayed at in Hinckley.  Two suns has been long viewed as a sign of the End Times.  Perhaps they are closer than we realize!

On November 18th, 2020 (my birthday), I saw my Angel and the Holy Spirit.  I also saw a plane.  And I saw the most beautiful, amazing Rainbow ?

In 2020, I also saw a lighted Indian. I learned later that the Indians baseball team had announced they were changing their name. From baseball teams to historic statues, the government was busy rewriting our history. They had clearly forgotten that those “who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”

On December 16, 2020, I saw a lighted pathway. I’ve seen it since.

In December, 2020 I also saw a huge Rainbow and Jesus’ Staff in light on the the wall inside our house.

Christmas 2020, I saw a huge, bright Rainbow on the wall above my son. It was all across that wall. What amazing Gifts God gives 🙂

Jesus and my family made it the best Christmas ever!

One of my favorite quotes is, “Believe what you believe, or else you will never persuade anybody else to believe it”-Charles Spurgeon. Sharing is not always my favorite thing to do, but it is the right thing to do. If we are not willing to share, if we do not believe what our own eyes have seen seen, why should anyone else?

Despite the challenges I have faced both in life and in my health, I have been greatly Blessed and Jesus has never left my side 🙂

And although I am so unworthy, God has loved me so.  More than I could have ever imagined.  More than I could ever ask for.  So if you take away only one thing from FollowingJesusUS.com, take this:  God IS real and He loves you beyond measure.  Jesus came to save us, and He did so, at great cost both to Himself and those who loved Him!  The Holy Spirit is in us, and is our Comforter and Friend, call on Him.  Mary loves us with a Mother’s Love, ask her to pray for you!