We remember that God can see ALL of our days, not just today and yesterday. God knows the future too, even if we don’t. And we have to trust in His love for us. And believe in the Heaven to come. This life is but temporary and so much shorter than we realize. But Heaven is promised to all those who accept Jesus, and Heaven is forever!
Heaven, Close your eyes and listen :)
“What we believe about Jesus
and what we do with His Teachings will keep our names written in Heaven or erase them”-Serge Tate
Can we go overboard for God?
Jesus commanded us to love God with our whole heart, soul and mind, can we really go overboard?
What a relief!
I don’t have to figure it all out; I just have to hang on to Jesus 🙂
The Lord Shows Up Always :)
So often I think of Gideon, because I am so like him. Scared of my own shadow, but I show up 🙂
Often God puts something on our heart to do, but we ignore Him. We’re afraid, busy, concerned it won’t work out well…
But the truth is, as Jim at 90.5 FM Christians Radio says, when we go to serve the Lord, the Lord always shows up! And that is all we have to do as well 🙂
Why we don’t give God the credit when He answers our Prayers?
We are simply scared to admit we are not in control. Think about it, someone else controls our life, it’s scarey.
Until we remember just how much God loves us!
Don’t Ever Stop Praying :)
For prayer is what connects us to God. And we need prayer like we need breathing 🙂
Jesus will always
Find us when we are lost 😉
In the storms of life
Jesus will always be with us!