Why Does God Heal Or Not?

A good friend of mine sent this. It was so awesome; I just had to share 🙂

“In the midst of a crisis, you often ask, “Where is God?” You wonder, “Why is He allowing me to suffer?” or even “Why is He allowing my loved ones to suffer?”

Such questions may run through your mind in stressful and despairing moments when you or those you love face troubles, sickness, pain and even the possibility of death.

But maybe you are asking the wrong question. You should ask: Why does God heal or not? To understand healing, one must understand human life on earth. The Truth IS, life here IS very short! Compare that with God’s Life, and the difference IS HUGE! God has been alive from eternity past, and He will live on forever into the future. This IS difficult for human minds to grasp! His Promise IS that He IS preparing you to share in that never-ending life with Him, through the Resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. He Truly wants this for ALL His Children! You have an AMAZING choice and future available that you can only begin to understand!

Sometimes God mercifully lets a man or woman come Home, even to a righteous person, to be spared coming times of trouble or evil. This IS very important to know. Even SO, your Heavenly Father IS Merciful and Compassionate, who knows your physical weakness and how easily broken you can become. He knows ALL about you! He REALLY Loves you!!

Easy to say, “I have tried prayer but it does not work!” From whose view? IS prayer just about getting what you want or IS it about seeking God’s Will rather than your own? In God’s Word, Apostle Paul begged God three times to heal him of a “thorn in the flesh.” God appears to have answered “No!” Did Paul respond by losing his faith? Not at all! He accepted in faith, that God’s Will was Supreme: “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong”.(2 Corinthians 12:10) So, why does God heal or not? To reveal Himself, to highlight His Work, and to test His Children. He heals because His sons and daughters ask Him in faith and obedience, and He heals out of His Mercy, Grace, and Unlimited Love! If you need divine healing, be sure NOT to blame God for problems. Instead, look to Him with gratitude for His Whole Plan. Knowing that He can see and does bring about His Will in your life, as you seek His Face! Trust Him, that even in your suffering on earth, you may know His Presence just by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. He WILL send His Helper to you, to Fill you, to Comfort you, to give you His Peace that no other can! 

Sometimes God uses you and how you handle suffering as His Example to others! When others see His Joy, Peace and Faith in you, even during the worst the world can bombard you with, they want the same Joy and Peace. Their hearts open just a “crack” for His Holy Spirit to enter and STIR! Know that in your suffering, your Good Example in Christ, IS bringing others to Him that were lost!! You may not even be aware that they were watching you or paying attention! Your suffering IS allowing His Healing for others!! IS that not AWESOME or what!!! You are His Instrument, His Extended Arms to those He Loves, just as much as you! IS that not worth EVERYTHING, that your moments along with others are being used by God to enlarge His Kingdom!!

My thoughts and prayers are that you ask God to take away your doubts and fears, to Truly Trust Him with your life. That even in troubles, you accept His Will and Purpose and give Him thanks!! You are His Example to others!

Live in Joy, according to His Love for you!! In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!

God Is Merciful & Just!

“Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel, and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “In this too your fathers have blasphemed Me, by being unfaithful to Me.”- Ezekiel20:27

Let’s face it; Israel has a history of sin. One has only to read Ezekiel 20 to see that.

Now fast forward to America. Is our country not committing even worse sins? And yet, somehow some seem to think that there will be no consequences for those sins. But this is not true, our nation will face the consequences for our sins. And soon! God is Merciful, but He is also Just!

Heaven is our Home and we can’t wait to go there. And good thing! For earth may soon see it’s share of difficulties. But if we repent and hold onto Jesus’ Hand and Follow Him, we will enter Heaven and stay there for all eternity!

What matters on earth is so short and so temporary; we need not fear! For we will soon come Home to Heaven, forever 🙂

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!

This Is Not Our Home, Heaven IS!

As we look around and see the changes in our world, it’s hard not to become disheartened. But this is not our home.  Heaven IS! And we are not citizens of the United States, we are citizens of Heaven. We may live on earth now, but Heaven IS our Home 🙂

Sometimes we need to take a break from all of the world’s strife.  And it’s okay to do so.  When Jesus said He would “give us rest”,  He meant it .  So take a break, and take a moment to imagine your future-in Heaven for all Eternity with Jesus, our Father and the Holy Spirit.  You will make it!

Imagine Heaven, And Then Imagine Yourself There 🙂 

Heaven is such an amazing place, but difficult to describe.

But there is one thing I can promise you, Heaven is as Real as the earth on which we stand.  It’s not some cloud, or some misty place.  It’s the Garden of Eden.  There is life.  There is laughter, lots of it.  And there is pure joy, pure peace and pure love.   There are people that we love. There are deep friendships that last forever.  There are rivers and hills.  There are flowers and fruit.  There are dogs!  There are things to do, adventures that will never tire you but only brings you happiness. You will never feel sick, anxious, or tired or lonely.  It is the Grand Adventure with all the fun that implies, but none of the fear, worry or hardship. And there are awesome hugs!

The closest I can come to describing it in this world’s terms is that it is like the joy of all of your firsts combined, with all of the joy but none of the fear.  The first time you rolled down a grassy hill, the first time you spun around in the falling snow, the first time you jumped in the pool.  The first time you rode a bike downhill with the wind in your face.  The first time someone you love smiled.  The first time you were hugged.  All of the joy, none of the fear.

How any one or any place can give perfect joy, perfect love and perfect peace at the same time is beyond me, but that is what Heaven is like. That’s what Jesus offers, forever!

I wish I had better words to describe Heaven for you.  City of Lights has been used.  And although it seems trite, it is true.  Filled with Rainbows, the “streets of gold” are created by God’s Light.  A golden sun light so beautiful we simply can’t imagine how beautiful it really is.  Rainbows, God’s Promises, fill the land.  Each more beautiful than the last.  Rivers with sun shining on them, so crystal clear that you can drink straight from the river.  Trees and meadows, mountains, flowers and fruit everywhere, just waiting for you.  Picnics and walks.  Running like the wind and never growing weary.   It’s simply amazing, just like God’s Grace.

Imagine a world where every wish is taken care of before you even wish for it.  A world where there is no pain, no hurt, no worry and no fatigue.  No medicine.  No rushing.  No struggle to just get up.  A body that works perfectly.

Only joy.  And peace.  Only beauty and love.  A  beauty so amazing that you could just spin around and around, and spin around some more, drinking it in forever.  And if you did only that, it would be enough!  But there is so much more!  Grand adventures, spending time with the people you love.   Meeting new friends.  Being fearless, not courageous in the face of fear as we are here on earth, but truly not having any fear.  Can you imagine?  This is Heaven.

And there is work in Heaven.   If you can call it that .  For it is work that never tires you, never rushes you, and always contributes to something you really care about and enjoy.  Work that you want to do.  Work that you love.

And there are friendships in Heaven.  Real Ones.  The kind that fills you up until you are overflowing.  Friendships that never cause you pain or heartache.  Friendships that never end and give you only joy and strength.

Many people think that Heaven is just some mystical place, but is as real as the earth you are standing on right now. And it is just on the other side 🙂

You will walk, you will run and you will see that people you love and those who love you!

You will never be cold or tired again.  You will fly like the wind, with the sun warming you all the way through.

And the best part, you will spend your days with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, in the Presence of Father forever!

So get ready for absolute Joy and Peace!  Because that is what Heaven is 

Welcome Home!

Death Has No Power Over Us :)

“And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.”-Isaiah 61:5

In Heaven, we will never be hungry or worry about feeding our families again. Can you imagine?

With the price of groceries these days, we all spend quite a bit of time budgeting and trying to figure out how to make our groceries last. And, truth be told, many of us don’t buy the same foods we used too. We buy cheaper foods and less of it!

Then there are millions that truly go without. They suffer far more than we do and know what true hunger is. They truly do not know where their next meal may come from and for many it may actually be out of a garbage can.

But if we Follow Jesus, we will ALL go to Heaven and know what it is like to never be hungry or worried about food and water again 🙂

In close, because of Jesus, death has no power over me, or you who Follow Jesus Christ. We need never worry about death again, for it’s sting is gone. It’s only a doorway we go through in order to get to Heaven! Thank You Jesus 🙂

Prepare, Pray and Be Ready!

Call On Jesus While You Can!

“When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, “Is it you, you troubler of Israel?” 18 And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you have, and your father’s house, because you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord and followed the Baals.”1 Kings 18:18

“you have abandoned the commandments of the Lord”. Sadly, that pretty much describes much of our world today. Indeed, much of our country. In the Old Testament, they abandoned the commandments of the Lord in favor of Baals.

And today, many abandon the commandments of the Lord to follow their own desires, no matter how perverse they are. And sadly, the more they do so, the farther they fall…until they stop even hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

It can be difficult for many to have faith. After all, we do not live in the days of Jesus. We don’t get to see Him first hand or the many miracles He performed.

Indeed, Jesus once said to St. Thomas, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”-John 20:28-29

But just because Faith can be a challenge today, does not mean it is not worthwhile. It’s not just that Jesus brings us to Heaven, it’s that He is with us right now. The path ahead will be dark and difficult. But Jesus will light that path and help us walk it. And we will need His help if we are to survive.

Heaven waits just ahead. As does the Help of our Lord.

Jesus loves us; grab His hand while you can 🙂

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!

“Violence Shall No More Be Heard In Your Land”

“Violence shall no more be heard in your land”-Isaiah 60-18

No more violence”, hard to imagine, especially since our world seems filled with violence. But there will be “no more violence” in Heaven. For all eternity, there will be Peace.

Jesus is the Bridge between earth and Heaven, don’t miss the chance to Cross that Bridge :).

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Revelation 22: Jesus Said Come!

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”=Revelation 16

“And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”-Revelation 17

So often, we think of the Book of Revelation as frightening. The world does its’ best to make it so. But it’s not really. At least not to those who truly Follow Jesus.

Take for example the above verse. In verse 16, Jesus is simply confirming that the Book of Revelation is True. As it is.

Revelation 17 is simply inviting us all to come to Jesus to be Saved. There is urgency in this invitation, for one day it will be too late and Jesus, who loves each person, wants us all to be Saved 🙂

In verse 12 it says “And, behold, I come quickly”. This is Jesus talking. But many ask, why hasn’t Jesus come yet. The answer may be more simple than we think.

The Ancient Greek translation of this word is not quite the same as our word quickly, it’s “suddenly”. Much of the Bible teaches us not to wait, to accept Jesus as our Savior NOW. To Follow Jesus NOW. To live as God instructs us NOW. This is why, we simply may not have time to make any changes if Jesus comes Suddenly!

Don’t let time run out on you! Accept Jesus and Follow Him NOW!

Before it is too late…

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready

Our Lady Of Good Success/Good Event

This appearance of Mary, Our Blessed Mother, has been called by both names, however they are the same.

In this appearance, Mary Our Blessed Mother warned that in the 20th and 21st centuries the Church would suffer a horrific crisis.

She warned that there would be: “Widespread moral corruption, profanation of the Sacrament of Marriage, Depraved priests who will scandalize the faithful and cause suffering for good priests, unbridled lusts which will ensnare many souls, a loss of innocence amount children and a loss of modesty among women, a lack of priestly and religious vocations…”

But there were other warnings that Mary gave as well.  She warned that many would be unable to receive the Sacraments, such as Baptist, Holy Communion, Confession, Marriage. Extreme Unction (Prayer for the Sick).. .  And did this not happen during Covid?

She also warned that the Sacrament of Marriage would be attacked!  And it was!  From gay marriage to divorce to young people failing to marry, marriage has seen more of its share of attacks.

Sadly, Mary also warned that many of the Faithful would be blinded.  Truly unable to see what is happening around them and truly unable to see what God requires of them!  Will they be lost? For clearly, this did happen. 

Mary also warned that many would fall into sin!  She said that too many would pick and choose among God’s Word, seeking to justify their sinful choices, but there will be no justification before God.

But Mary, Our Blessed Mother, also shared with us:

“But when evil finally seems to triumph over all, when all seems lost.  Complete Restoration of the Church will begin and the Church will reawaken.”

The very real question, is why were Mary, Our Blessed Mother’s warnings changed, especially since they have ALL happened?

My friends, take hope from the last words that Mary shared with us during this time: “when evil finally seems to triumph over all, when all seems lost. Complete Restoration of the Church will begin and the Church will reawaken.🙂

Prepare, Pray & Be Ready.

Our God Is Not A God Of Confusion!

The Catholic church in July of 2023 appointed a new doctrinal chief that said Blessings for gay marriage should be studied. Let me be clear, this IS wrong. There can be NO Blessing of a gay wedding.

One has only to read the Bible to see just how wrong Blessing a gay wedding is. Our God is not a God of confusion. Any priest who dares to teach their parishioners this horrific wrong should remember this Bible verse:

“Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord. Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord.”- Jeremiah 1-2

In 2021 a document was released from the Vatican’s orthodoxy office. It said, “Catholic clergy cannot bless same-sex unions because God “cannot bless sin.”. The Bible does not change!

So what do Catholics do if this occurs, considering the concept of the “infallibility of the pope”? The question if this occurs that needs to be asked is if a Pope truly leads the people against the Word of God, is he really the pope?

Mary, Our Blessed Mother said “a better vicar would come and then a good one”.

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God’s Forgiveness

“Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood”-Isaiah 54:4

I find it harder to forgive myself than I do others. I think a lot of people are like that. But God doesn’t just forgive us, but because He loves us and understands us so well, He also ensures that we “forget” . What a great Gift:

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” – Matthew 7:11

So often I can forgive, but it is hard to forget. If there is something I have done wrong, I remember it forever. But God does not just forgive, He wipes our slate clean!

How Blessed are we!

Prepare, Pray and Be Ready!