Coincidence Or “God-incidence”?

I took this photo one evening when I was sitting on the couch. I was sicker then usual and just not up to doing to much. The sun poured in our backdoor, as it did every night. And then I noticed the Cross on the box. I can’t even begin to express how it filled me with peace and happiness. I wasn’t any better physically, but I was much better spiritually and emotionally 🙂

So often, this is how God works in our daily lives. And we have a choice, to believe or not to believe. There are some who would choose to believe the Cross on the box was simply an accident. A trick of the sun…

But there are some who would realize Jesus was letting us know that He was there with us, and knew exactly what was happening in our life and walking through it with us :).

To believe or not to believe. God gave us the choice and we must choose. If we want a forever life filled with happiness, we must choose Christ 🙂

Should We Send Our Children To Public School?


There was a time when we had a wonderful public school system. I sent my children to one in their younger years. But the public school system has, sadly, changed. It used to know that some topics such as gay sex, CRT, abortion, morality-these subjects were left up to the parents to teach, because the children belonged to their parents, not the schools!. But now the public schools seem to think the children belong to them! They are wrong!

Now many public schools actively teach students as young as pre-school that the Bible is wrong. And your child, in many cases, is going to believe them! They are their teachers! We, their parents, placed them there to learn. Since our children trust us to only act in their best interest-our children will assume school to be a good place. But it’s not! At least, not anymore.

An education that destroys our children’s faith in Jesus and the Bible is worse than meaningless-it’s harmful. If our children believe them; they may very well grow up, only to end up in hell! All because of what they learned in school!

The sad thing, is that as mothers, we love our children more than we ever thought was possible. Life wasn’t supposed to be like this. We were supposed to have our babies and then send them to school. But our nation has changed and we need to protect our children.

We need to get America’s children out of school now! Whether it is a private school, an online school or homeschool – matters not. But we need to get them out of the cesspool that public schools have become!

Math and Reading will matter little, if they have no faith!

Children are one of God’s Greatest Gifts to us and our own faith in God requires us to protect them!

Faith Over Fear!

“Our God is fighting for us. So who can be against us! “When trials come, your Will be done”

“Our God is fighting for us. So wo can be against us. The work is done, your love has won”

These two quotes are from a song called All My Days by Unveiled worship.

Our time is coming, pray and trust! God loves us and His love will win!

“Let The Light Break Through” :)

Judges 7:16-19 Then he divided the three hundred men into three companies, and he put a shofar into every man’s hand, with empty pitchers, and torches inside the pitchers. And he said to them, “Look at me and do likewise; watch, and when I come to the edge of the camp you shall do as I do: When I blow the shofar, I and all who are with me, then you also blow the shofars on every side of the whole camp, and say, ‘The sword of the LORD and of Gideon!’ ” So Gideon and the hundred men who were with him came to the outpost of the camp at the beginning of the middle watch, just as they had posted the watch; and they blew the shofars and broke the pitchers that were in their hands.

“Another great devotional from Worth Devotionals. You can sign up for them here: Worthy Briefs

“When God called Gideon to lead Israel against their enemies, He wanted to show that a small army empowered by God was more effective than the largest armies. But notice how they fought – without weapons that an army would normally use. They fought with shofars and lamps! They fought with weapons that the world would consider ineffective, yet triumphed mightily over their enemies. They shouted as loud as they could, sounded the shofar, and broke the vessels that held the fire so that their lamps burst through with brightness.

This breaking of the lamps of clay holds a powerful metaphor for us. If we too are “earthen vessels” holding the fire of God – the Spirit of God within us, then a “breaking” of the outer man is necessary for His inner light to burst through. Victory can come out of brokenness. Our old life of self, often called the “old man”, when truly crucified and broken, will give way to the release of the Lord’s Spirit of God in our lives. The death of our Lord has broken the power of our self-life since we were crucified with Him. Walking in that awareness brings light and victory.

Let the love, joy, peace, and all the fruit of the Spirit breakthrough in your life. Your old life of Self has been and is being broken, as Yeshua’s victorious light shines through your earthen vessel”

Don’t Be Silent!

May 26, 2022

Luke 17:28-30 So also as it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but the day Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from the heaven and destroyed them all. Even so it shall be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

Another great devotional by Worth Briefs. You can sign up to receive them here: Worth Briefs

“Yeshua (Jesus) gave us some signs and indications of what society would look like just before His return. One sign was the sign of Lot.

In Genesis, we read that Lot decided to reside in Sodom, where society had become so detestable before God that He destroyed that city and the cities of the plain with fire and brimstone. While Lot was ‘vexed daily’ [2 Peter 2:7-8] because of the evil that surrounded him, there is another aspect of this passage that I’d like to expound upon.

When God revealed to Abraham his intention to destroy the cities [Genesis 18:22-33], Abraham interceded with the Lord such that if merely ten righteous souls were found there, God would relent from his terrible judgment.

Just ten souls … and the cities would have been spared. Did Lot allow his community to silence him? This is the question I’d like to explore. While the Scriptures do not allude to it, I can only wonder that if Lot had preached the righteousness which burned in him, he might have preempted the wrath which Sodom’s sins were piling up.

Is one of the signs of this age that we who walk in the righteousness of Yeshua will be silenced by a society growing in evil and iniquity day by day? Apparently, it doesn’t take much these days to be “silenced”, at least not in the vast world of social networking. I was recently banned from Facebook for 30 days … why, I don’t know, but I cannot help but wonder which post was deemed unacceptable! Nevertheless, I will not allow society to silence me. We are called to be a light on a hill … not to hide our light under a bushel. It is not a time to be silent, but rather to be ever more resolved to share the good news of the gospel, even as never before, in the spirit of grace and truth!

Don’t be discouraged with the rapid decay of society around you, but realize this is merely a sign of the times. May the Lord continue to speak through you to reach this world around us … for we are not called to be silent!

Will America be the new Sodom? Don’t be silent! For America’s future is up to each on of us and our Lord!

Learning To See People Through God’s Eyes

God sees not just what people are today, but what they could become tomorrow and what they were yesterday, but we don’t.

Sometimes we meet someone in the worst season of their life. And understandably we don’t like them, but we do need to love them. Just like God loves us! Because just as we need to be loved during our most difficult times, people we meet also need to be loved the most -during their worst seasons!

With the help of God and through His Grace, our Faith can grow during these difficult times. And often, this growth is exactly what helps our compassion and love grow for others.

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them.  And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that.”-Luke 6:32-33

If we do tis, then we can emerge from these difficult days with a stronger Faith in God, in each other and in ourselves, and the ability to share that with others 🙂

“Leave It With God”

Because God Loves Us 🙂

I must share with you that sometimes I am better at this than others.  And sometimes, often, I end up taking a “worry” back a few times before I am finally able to “leave it with our Lord”.

We all do this sometimes.  We want to “leave things with God” , but we take them back.  We have a specific solution in mind and we want that one, lol.  We are not sure we want God’s solution…

But the truth is, God’s solution is always better!  For God can see all the yesterdays, todays, and the tomorrows.  God can see every life that will be touched.  We can’t.  So we need to leave our problems with the Lord and Trust that He loves us enough that His solution will be the best!

Does that mean we can’t pray for someone to get well?  Of course not!  But our prayers should always also include “God’s Will Be Done”.  Because even in this case, God will know what is truly the best thing not only for the person who is sick, but for all who love that person.

Thank you God for loving us that much ?

Wait Upon The Lord!

We can not see the whole of our lives or how our lives may impact others.  So when God says No, or Not Yet, we have to Trust that God knows more than we do.  For God know not just what we want, but what we need.  And He knows what we need today AND tomorrow.  We can only see today.

And let’s face it, what we want is not always what we need! 

So keep praying no matter what! God loves you and He will give you what you need ?

Seeing God

One of the hallmarks of my life has being able to see God in it. And I am so very grateful that this has been so 🙂

Remember Moses and the Burning Bush? I wonder sometimes if God appeared now, in the Burning Bush-would we believe?

God is everywhere. God is always with us :). He is in the sunrise and the sunset. He is in a nature preserve and He is in the city. God is in the smile of a friend and in the smile of a stranger. God is in every child, born and unborn. He is in the river, the oceans and the mountains, for God made them all. But it is up to us to see Him, and Believe.

God can be in us, if we just ask Jesus to be our Savior 🙂

God Promises We Will Understand

“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand” – Daniel 12:10

There is much to learn in this verse. But today, let’s focus on the wise (those who follow Jesus) “shall understand”.

What a wonderful promise! Times may become very difficult, but those who truly have a relationship with Jesus will understand! And because true Christians will understand, they will know that these “End Times” will end and Heaven will await them-in the End 🙂