A friend sent me this story, it brought tears to my eyes and I just had to share π
“Once there was a farmer, who like all the farmers around her, raised their own food to sustain them. She milked cows for their milk to drink, also raised steers for meat and chickens for eggs and meat too. One of her favorite hens, that she raised for chicks, was the one whom was most protective. When she had her chicks out with her, anything that was a threat – she would immediately create such a noise, ruffling her feathers and run towards the suspected intruder – most would run the other direction! Other times, when she thought that her chicks were getting a little too far away from her and a possible threat around, she would create a very specific sound, that her chicks would come running back to her and hide under her body. To say the least, it was quite a spectacle to witness either event!
One day, when the mother hen was out with her chicks, scratching around in the field getting bugs and worms to eat for them, a storm came up very quickly. The farmer was in the barn milking her cows, heard a huge clap of thunder and knew that lightning must have hit very close. She ran out of the barn and seen that the lightning had hit a tree in the field, caught it on fire and the grass around it. She quickly filled a bucket full of water and grabbed an old feed sack, soaked it in the water and ran out to the field to put out the fire. While she was running, she prayed to God to help her put out the fire! The fire moved very quickly across the field, but she kept fighting it – slapping the line of flames with her sack. It was a miracle she was able to keep the fire from spreading farther and eventually put it out.
As she walked around through the burnt field, to make certain all the fire was out, she seen the charred remains of her favorite hen. Her eyes were immediately filled with tears, for she thought that her chicks had also fallen victim to the flames. But as she got closer, she could hear little peeps, that seem to coming from under her. As she carefully removed her carcass, her eyes widen with amazement, for the bulk of the mother’s body had covered them from the searing flames. Though the heat was enough to consume her, it allowed her babies to find safety underneath. Even when the pain reached its most unbearable moment, she made herself stay through the raging flames. She gave the ultimate sacrifice to save her young. The farmer thanked God for helping her put out the fire and saving the chicks!
This illustrates an even Greater Story – this One almost incomprehensible. It IS the Story of the Creator of heaven and earth, your Heavenly Father, who does exactly the same thing to rescue His wayward children from their own destruction. He sent His Only Son, Jesus Christ, whom also gave the Ultimate Sacrifice for His Children on the cross. Even when the pain reached its most unbearable moment, He made Himself stay, so you would not have to suffer through the raging flames of hell.
My thoughts and prayers are that you surrender and ask Him to help you learn how to Trust Him for EVERYTHING in your life! Stop and search for His Awesome Outstretched Arms! When you find them – let go, let Him give you the safety of eternity with Him! Truly, there IS no safer place! In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.”