When attacks on Christians happen (as in the attack on the Christmas Parade), it’s hard to know exactly what to do.
The first thing we can do is remember that Justice belongs to God, not to us. God is as Just as He is Merciful! And there WILL be Justice!
The second thing we can do is pray for mercy for those who committed such a heinous act. I can’t really imagine anything worse than murdering parents and children who are attending a Christmas Parade! I still remember bringing my own children to one. How excited little children are, and how happy we are to watch their faces! That innocence is now lost. It will be a long time before anyone will attend a Christmas Parade without remembering this one.
But as Followers of Jesus, we walk a different path. We leave Justice to God, and we pray for Mercy for the sinner. Granted, in this case, it seems a lot to ask, but then God gives a lot :).
There is one other thing we can do: We can restore this country to what it once was: The land of the free and home of the pray. A country in which God’s Place it it was valued by all š
The first step-pray! The second-return to a Bible Believing church that is filled with the Holy Spirit! If you can’t find one that preaches the truth of God’s Word, attend a Bible study. Some may feel they don’t need that. But this is not about what we need, it’s about what we can give :).
The third is-only vote for those who share our values! Those who believe in the tradtions that once made this country great! Those who honor God and God’s place in the public square!
And if none of that seems to restore our country, remember our efforts are our gift to God, the outcome of those efforts belong to God :).