Thanking Mary October 7th: Our Lady Of The Rosary

Praying the Rosary has helped my faith to deepen and grow immeasurably.  And I am deeply grateful to Mary that this is so. Just as I am deeply grateful for The Rosary :)

On October the 7th, we honor Mary and The Rosary.

How did The Rosary begin?  In 1208 The Rosary was given to St. Dominic by Mary in the Church of Prouille  (France).  The original Rosary had 15 decades.  Each decade had an Our Father,  followed by ten Hail Marys and a Glory Be To God at the end.  People who said the Rosary used Prayer Beads, Rosaries, their fingers…To learn more about the Biblical basis for The Rosary, please visit Dayton University :

There has been some controversy surrounding The Rosary, with Catholics honoring The Rosary and some Protestants saying it’s wrong.  However, in recent years, many Protestants have adopted The Rosary as well.

Some of the Protestants who object to praying The Rosary site reasons such as “only Jesus is God”, but asking Mary to Pray for us is not treating Her as a God, but rather we are just asking someone very close to God to pray for us.  We miss a very real opportunity to strengthen our faith when we fail to ask Mary to Pray for us ?

As for Jesus loving Mary, many of us are mothers, and many of us have sons.  And our sons love us so much and we love them! Does anyone really think that Jesus did not love His mother at least as much as our sons love us?

There is another thought we might want to consider.  Everything that Mary did and does – points the to the way to Jesus.  Even the mysteries of the Rosary are really about the important life events of Jesus.  And when we pray The Rosary, we get to meditate on Christ’s Life.  Could there be anything better?

Mary loves us as a mother loves her children, as we love our children. Only more! And better! Our journey is a difficult one, we need all the Help and Love we can get!

Thank You Mary, for giving us The Rosary 🙂

The Importance Of Asking God To Change Our Will to His Will

Sometimes, life can feel like such a struggle-everyday!  And it can be so exhausting.  Especially when we are holding onto our will instead of God’s Will ?.

And sometimes, it’s just hard to let go of our will.  Perhaps it’s a particular job that we wanted to get or perhaps it’s a person we love who is ill, and we want that person to get better.  Perhaps, it’s covid, or the direction of our country, or the direction of the public schools…  There are many pure, unselfish, well-intentioned efforts happening every day, but that doesn’t mean they are God’s Will.

The Truth is, we don’t always know why God’s Plan is better ?.  But we know that God’s Plan is indeed better. And we know that God knows our future, and we don’t. And God loves us!

Perhaps the job we wish for won’t bring us into contact with those God wants us to meet.  Perhaps the person who is sick is bringing many to Christ. 

We know from reading the Bible, that our nation is not a leader in the final days, just as we know that Jesus Will come back for us 🙂  So perhaps our nation will not turn back towards God and perhaps it will.  But we do know that whatever God’s Will for our country and schools; it will eventually be used for our good ?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I have trouble letting go of “my plans” in favor of God’s Plans.  After all, my plans are such good plans, lol (good thing God laughs). 

And so I ask Him to change my will to His Will-and then there is no more struggle.  When we are in God’s Will, it’s the very safest and happiest place to be.  There is peace.  Worry and fear are gone.  We can’t always get there by ourselves, but God can get us there, if we ask Him.

God knows and understands what will bring us Peace and Joy.  After all, He made us and wants us to be happy!  So if we are struggling a bit, this prayer helps?

 “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.” – Psalm 51: 12-14

We Are “Learned” Enough!

“The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary”-Isaiah 50:4 KJV

Sometimes, people read this verse and think they “are not learned enough”, but we are all “learned” enough to share the love of Christ ?.

Sometimes, we need the wisdom of our elders.  Sometimes, we need the enthusiasm of our youth.  Ever hear the saying, “out of the mouth of babes”?  And sometimes, we just need a hug ?.

God’s Word has everything we need to know and our Lord Jesus has commanded us to love God with our whole hearts, souls and minds, and each other as Jesus has loved us!

We have everything we need to Follow Jesus right here and right now.  And the Holy Spirit will Help us ?

We are not alone!

Christians come in all different types, different backgrounds, economic status, races, clothing, hair styles-and that is a wonderful God given Gift 🙂 We are not alone 🙂

Disagreements Among Christians!

There are so many disagreements amount Christians today.  Masks, vaccines, CRT, just to name a few…Then there is gay marriage, abortion, whether God belongs in the voting booth…The list is long! And we all feel very strongly on many of these issues…

But what does God really say about disagreements?

“Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God;  for it is written,

As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess[b] to God.

So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.”-Romans 14:10-12

In fact, all of Romans 14 is helpful on this subject!

We are all on the same path, but often we are at different places on it, so we may not always see things the same way.  But we are still on the same path, just at different places.. 

God’s Word provides us with instructions on how to live.  His Word decrees what actions are right and what actions are wrong.  We, as human beings, don’t get to make those choices, God does!

Disagreements with each other are one thing, but disagreements with God are another.  And that is why it is so important for us to ask the Holy Spirit to read God’s Word with us. For Truth by its’ very nature has only has one version!

And because God made us, God ultimately knows what choices will make us happy.  And God knows what choices will bring us to Heaven.  And in the end, it is God who will judge us.  We need to worry more about God’s Judgement and less about the judgement of others.

I Am Yours Always :)

It’s easy to be God’s when everything it going our way, but it’s harder to be God’s when it is not.

I have found through my life that God’s Will is always better than mine. You see, I only know what happened yesterday and today. And I also only know it through my own eyes, not God’s Eyes :). I also don’t necessarily know how my choices impacted every person I came in contact with.

And I definitely don’t know the future or who my choices may touch, but God does!

And that is why I have to Trust that God’s Will is better than my own-in every situation.

There is another reason I Trust God, I know that He loves me:

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. ‘” — Jeremiah 29:11.

So if your day is a difficult one, don’t give up! God Loves you and has a plan for you!

We The People: We Are What We Eat!

This movie is only going to be shown on October 4th, 5th & 6th. It’s an important movie. Homeschooling will be one of the next big issues, because Homeschooling is one of the only ways left that we can protect our children!

President Reagan once said “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

God believes in Freedom, He gave us a choice as to whether to accept Jesus as our Savior-or not. And when we are ready, we will all make a choice. Let’s hope it’s a good one 🙂

We can either watch movies that help to build our faith or movies that tear our faith down. Remember the old sayings: “Garbage in-garbage out. And “We are what we eat. We choose what we feed our hearts. We can watch movies that build up our faith or movies that tear our faith down. The same goes for TV, books, youtube videos or social media…

It’s our choice, given to us by God Himself.

Do The Ends Justify The Means?


There seems to be a lot of that occuring in our country lately(Living by the rule: the ends justify the means).  Looting, lieing, beating another human being, breaking the law, being unkind…

But Christ’s commands to Love God and Love Your Neighbor… did not come with an “except when they don’t do what we want”.

Jesus does not say we can treat someone badly or break all the rules (so to speak) in order to get our way-even when our way seems right. Our way always seems right-to us, lol.

If “our” will is God’s Will, then whatever is needed in order to make God’s Will happen-will happen.  God does not need our assistance 🙂

We don’t have to lie or cheat, act unkindly or hurt another, because when God opens a door-He opens it.  We don’t have to kick it down, God opened it!

We may need God’s Strength and His Courage.  For anytime Good Rises, evil rises too!  But fortunately for us, God is always willing to give us the Strength & Courage that we need ?

Because “With God, All Things Are Possible”!