For the job I currently have, one needs to pass a yearly certification exam. Being sick, this is really difficult for me. I prayed, my friends prayed… And I kept failing it. On the very last day, I passed. In the middle of the exam, a friend who had been praying for me sent me a cheering video. I wasn’t even done with the exam yet! I was going to loose my job and my insurance, but I didn’t-at the very last moment.
For me, there are two great lessons I can learn from this. It’s God’s Timing-not our own. And maybe that is good for us :). And Prayer Changes Things.
I won’t bore you with the details of some of the illnesses I have, but suffice to say it did take a MIRACLE for me to pass that test. I can see it as such and be grateful to our Lord or I can take the credit myself. But I know it was the Lord ?
A Pastor I know well used to say, “Prayer Changes Things”. And it does. Never forget that-it’s one of God’s Greatest Gifts ?
It would be so much easier if God would answer our prayers promptly, but that would only answer – that prayer. God’s Timing for answering our prayers also often builds our faith as well.
Passing the test of faith is far more important than any other prayer for our own needs. And if you need any help hanging on, just ask God to help. He will be happy you asked – God’s Got You 🙂