There will come a great time of persecution for those who follow Jesus. We know this because Jesus warns of this in many different places in God’s Word. But there are also times of honest disagreement. However, in honest disagreement there is only love-not hate.
Great persecution will come from non-believers! We shouldn’t be persecuting each other!
Fire-bombing and vandalizing pregnancy centers and churches, threatening to kill our Supreme Court Justices, demonstrating in front of the homes of our Supreme Court Justices (some of who have young children at home) and terrifying all who live there-this is NOT honest agreement. It’s hate.
And no Christian can ever hate another. Ever. Jesus’ two Greatest Commandments are:
“Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”-Matthew 22: 37-39
And He meant them! And notice, He didn’t say : Love only those we agree with!
However, it’s one thing to disagree, but it is quite another to hurt someone. To hate someone.
We need to pray for each other, always. We need to help one another, always. And most of all, we need to love each other, now and forever. Because that is what Jesus commands.