My heart goes out to all of those in Israel. They are God’s Chosen people and they always will be. And yet, they have suffered so greatly. More than we can really imagine.
The people living in Israel know the stories of suffering first hand. Many of their parents were in camps such as Auschwitz. They spent their childhood and their teen years listening first hand to stories of what Auschwitz was really like. Which was far more horrifying than anything that the media has published.
We can’t really imagine the horrors of living in Auschwitz. We can read about them, watch movies about them. But the truth is that since we have never actually experienced horrors like those that existed in Auschwitz, we can’t truly imagine what it was really like.
And the people telling them how horrific their lives were in the camps were their Moms and Dads, who they loved just as we love our parents. Can you imagine the horror of the children listening? Many of their parents have died now. Many earlier than they should have because their bodies were so physically damaged and their suffering and anguish was so great.
Now, after the world promised never again, their adult children once again face a world that, in large part, has turned against them! They face a horrific, violent enemy and once again they must defend themselves against a violence far worse than any American can truly imagine.
That God is protecting Israel, we know.
That God will continue to help Israel, we also know. For they are His Chosen People.
We also know from God’s Word,
“I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you”-Genesis 12:3