We are told that war has not yet begun in the Ukraine. And yet there are videos that show that Russian backed forces are firing on the Ukrainians and two Ukrainian soldiers have died. Others will as well. Right now, there is quite a bit of arguing happening as to whose fault the Ukrainian situation is, but there will be plenty of time to sort that out.
However, now is the time to pray for those who are hurting. Those who are killed or injured, and those who love them, on all sides. Pray for them. Pray that they pray for themselves!
And pray the Rosary and pray that the soldiers on all sides do as well. Meditate on how the Rosary ends, “Holy Mother, Mother of God, please pray for us now and at the end. Amen”. Do we not want the Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, praying for us? Especially at the end? Part of the Rosary prays “Jesus, please Save me from the fires of Hell”. Do we not wish to be Saved? Do we not want those we loved Saved? In a war, people will be injured or killed. No matter what, some people will be hurt.
We can, however, pray that they will never die alone. And we can pray that we will not die alone. Pray the Rosary, or at least some of it every day. And be comforted, God will not let us down and we will never be alone.
Imagine what might happen if the whole world said the Rosary? War has a way of robbing people of their humanity. Prayer has a way of restoring it ?