“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.” – Psalm 52:12.“
This is one of my favorite prayers! With the hardness and busyness of life, it’s easy to forget just how wonderful it is that we are “Saved”.
It’s almost like we need a moment to dwell on just how wonderful it is! We are going to Heaven! We have a Savior that will always walk with us and never leaves us. The Holy Spirit lives within us. And last, but definitely not least, God our Father is with us! Once again, we have been restored to our Lord.
And because we have, nothing can ever really hurt us! And nothing ever will 🙂
And because we have, we will never be lonely 🙂
And because we have, we will always know just how loved we are 🙂
And because we belong to God, we will always have Hope!