It’s hard to explain how these two work together. One thing I can share is that when we are fully Surrendered to the Lord there is no more Fear. Only Peace 🙂
There is no more fear because we have already accepted that the worst possible tragedy could happen to us, but with the help of God, we know we could walk through it. We know that God’s Help will be enough
His Grace is sufficient.
Notice, I am not saying we “believe” it. I am saying that we “know”. And there is a very real difference.
But in order to fully have God’s Peace; we need to fully Surrender. And that’s not always easy. And sometimes it takes a lot of prayer and a lot time.
But together, with the Help of the Holy Spirit, we can do it.
One prayer that can really help, is the Surrender Novena. Sometimes we need to pray it several times in order to reach our goal. I know I had to pray it many times, over and over. But it does make a very real difference 🙂
Below is a link to the Surrender Novena:
Jesus will never let us down. He will always love us and He will always walk with us. And when we feel like we can’t walk anymore, He will carry us 🙂
“The Lord replied, “My precious, precious child. I love you, and I would never, never leave you during your times of trial and suffering. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you.”-The Footprints Prayer