“Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessolonians 5:16-18
Another important prayer is thanking God, both on easy and difficult days. It’s easy to Thank God on a really great day. When the sun is shining and our families are close to the Lord, happy and healthy, our prayers seem answered (the way we want). And indeed, all good things come from God :).
But it’s harder to Thank God on bad days. When someone we love is sick and when someone we really care about dies or when we loose our job or home. When we go to the grocery and just can not buy the things are family needs. When someone we’ve been praying for, for a long time, just isn’t willing to accept Jesus as their Savior. (Or at least not they way we think they should). There are many “troubles” in this life; the list, unfortunately, seems endless. But Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble” (John 33:16), and we do…
But the thing to remember is, even on days of trouble, the Lord is with us. We are human and sometimes our suffering overwhelms us. But our suffering does not overwhelm Jesus; He knows just what to do. And we need to let Him If we follow Jesus, we will come out the “other” side -and we will grow closer to God!
There are many benefits of having a grateful heart. One is , as human beings we are just happier. To look around and see the glass half full instead of half empty is just a happier place to be. And it is a choice; given to us by God Himself! We can count our Blessings or our Troubles, it’s up to us…
So today, let’s really count our Blessings and be Grateful. For no matter how difficult the day, God always leaves us a Blessing to hang onto, we just need to look for it. And if we can’t see it; we just need to ask God to show it to us