“One of the greatest desires of Almighty God is the conversion of sinners. That poor sinners will leave their sinful lifestyles and turn back to the love of God is high on the list of God’s desires.”-Father Broom
When we think back to the appearances of our Blessed Mother Mary, for example, whether it be at Fatima or Lourdes, Mary always asked that those She appeared to, pray and sacrifice for the “conversion of sinners”. She didn’t want anyone to choose to go to Hell and neither did God! For Mary loved ALL of God’s people. And we all know just how much Jesus loved us :).
But God is also Just and always Fair.
Oswald Smith was an Evangelical preacher and missionary in the early 1900s. He was born in Toronto. He preach “12,000 sermons in over 80 countries”. He truly cared about God’s people and so should we. He once said:
“Oh, to realize that souls, precious never dying souls are perishing all around us, going out into the blackness of darkness and despair, eternally lost, and yet feel no anguish, shed no tears, know no trevail! How little we know of the compassion of Jesus!”
How broken-hearted should we all be that are some souls that leave this life choosing to go to Hell, rather than to Heaven! That’s what Oswald was trying to share with us. And that is exactly what we should take a moment to pray about.
But sadly, life gets busy and we forget how many are in this desperate place. How many are truly lost. But sometimes, there seems to be nothing we can do to help them. However, there is always something we can do to help, we can pray!
Please, make time and pray for the “conversion of sinners”. Pray for the lost!