A very dear friend of mine shared this with me and I wanted to share it with you 🙂

“Thousands of years of fervent, desperate prayers to God and pleas for deliverance were answered the day Christ was born. It was the absolute shaking of the spiritual and physical realms when God Himself was incarnated – becoming one of us in order to carry out All His Promises He had given through the ages. His Word shares with you, “they shall call His name IMMANUEL, which translated means GOD with us.” Truly, this IS the foundation upon which every hope and joy rests. It IS the Truth that God IS with you!! For some find Christmas a difficult time of year because their focus is on relationships, possessions, activities and disappointments, instead of keeping their eyes on the One who has given them All things. One looks to what they don’t have instead of what cannot be taken from them.
Your Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit IS with you! He Loves you. He listens to the cries of your heart. When you are hurting, He IS near to you and cares for you. When you are powerless, He gives you His Strength. When you are in despair, He brings His Promises to mind and reveals His Blessings He has planned for you. When you feel disrespected, worthless, or inadequate, He reminds you that you are His, that He died for you, that He adores you, that He IS your adequacy and that He will NEVER let you go. He IS SO Good!!
Encourage you this Christmas to focus on the Hope of every heart: Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Unwrap the Gift that was first given so long ago on that Extraordinary Night in the town of Bethlehem. Do not be distracted by the presents, the food, the activity, or the trimmings. Just look to Immanuel, God with us. Focus on His Presence no matter where you are. Rediscover the Absolute Wonder of Christmas. You will also see how Jesus meets your every need. In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be Done. Amen. Peace”
May you have a Happy and Holy Christmas Season as you prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth 🙂