Remember Luke 17:11-15, the Bible verses about the lepers that Jesus healed 🙂 But despite the fact that Jesus healed 10, only one returned to say Thank You! How sad for the other 9.
There is something about saying Thank You, the acknowledgement of who our Help comes from, that truly strengthens out faith. The nine who never returned to say Thank You to Jesus will never have their faith strengthened as the one who returned to say Thank You did. And that is why it is so sad that the 9 failed to return!
When we were young, our parents taught us to say Thank You. And so we should. To God most of all 🙂 We say Thank You because it is the right thing to do and because it also strengthens our faith 🙂
It’s easy to remember to say Thank You when we receive a wonderful gift! But it can be hard to remember to say Thank You when life is just going along well and we are too “busy”. And it can be hard to say Thank You when times are tough.
But the truth is, when times are good, that is exactly when we need to make time to Thank God for His wonderful provision. And when times are tough, we need to Thank God for walking through those times with us and giving us the strength to deal with them.
And, of course, we need to Thank Jesus every day for reconciling us with our Father and creating a path Home to Heaven for us 🙂
There is a young man who started a “Thank You” sign movement. His signs thanking Jesus are only $10. You can get one (or more) of these “Thank You” signs at this site. Not only do they encourage others; they will bring us great joy!
Share with the world just how grateful you are to Jesus, get one today 🙂