Courage comes from God “walking with the Lord”, but it also comes from trusting our Lord with the outcome.We need to do right, because it is right. And when we are afraid, and in some cases, we can almost feel paralyzed with fear, we need to act and trust God with the outcome.
I can remember working on the “One Nation Under God” license plate. And I can praying and telling God, “He had the wrong girl!”, lol. I felt that our Father needed someone more brave, less shy, smarter… But apparently God did not agree. But I did have one thing-I was willing :). And God reminded me, my willingness was my gift to God, but the outcome belonged to Him!
What a relief that was, lol…
And that is really all we need! A Willingness to serve God in any way He asks :), God will provide the rest! And God did :). He surrounded me with wonderful friends who had all the courage and smarts, that I didn’t :). and that is exactly how the “One Nation Under God” license plate was created and I am just grateful that God let me be a part of it :).
Whether it is big things or daily things. Whether it is caring for our children, going to work, or fighting to protect innocent children threatened by war-God is with us and He loves us!
God will always provide us with what we need to do His Will