“Then the officials said to the king, “This man should be put to death. He is discouraging the soldiers who are left in this city, as well as all the people, by the things he is saying to them. This man is not seeking the good of these people but their ruin.” – Jeremiah 38:4
In this verse, the officials want to put Jeremiah to death. They claim he is “discouraging” the soldiers and the people. Sadly, this is not unlike today. Whether it is government officials imprisoning or putting Christians to death in a multitude of countries, or simply persecuting Christians in a variety of ways, there are many who would silence all Christians-if they could.
In America, many Christians are persecuted and threatened for their beliefs. Some are even threatened with imprisonment and fines. The choices are difficult, sadly they will become even more so.
In the last line of this verse talking about Jeremiah, it says, “This man is not seeking the good of these people but their ruin.”. But here, they lie. Jeremiah is seeking the “good of these people” by teaching them about the Lord. Brave are those who are willing to teach others of the Lord at great risk to their own lives! Thank you for giving us a “Roadmap”!
In close, without these brave men and women, many of us would not know that we needed to cross Jesus’ bridge and reunite with our Father! So many of us would not have the Holy Spirit to help us! Without these brave men and women, we would not know the truth!
And because of these brave men and women who teach us the truth, we will one day meet in Heaven 🙂
Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!