The Unforgiveable Sin!

The Unforgiveable Sin used to scare me.  The Bible says the Unforgiveable Sin is Blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  And I believe that.  But what does that mean?  Had I ever accidentally done that?  After all I am no youngster, I can’t remember every single thing I have done in my life.  The truth is, I think that the idea of an Unforgivable Sin scares a lot of people.  And yet if you are alive, it is not a sin you could have committed.

The Unforgiveable Sin is when we die rejecting Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  For the Holy Spirit only comes to us when we accept Jesus as our Savior.  So you see, if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, it’s just not possible that you have committed the “Unforgiveable Sin”.

For Jesus forgives all other sin the minute we accept Him as our Savior.  The Holy Spirit becomes a part of us that very same moment. 

For more on The Unforgivable Sin, I think Billy Graham explains it even better:

So as long as we are alive, we can not have committed the Unforgiveable Sin.