The War For Our Souls!

There is a War For Our Souls happening right now. The world tells us continually and in so many ways, subtle and not so subtle, that what God says does not matter. But it does.

Truth Matters.

The Bible clearly lays out for us right from wrong, moral from immoral, behavior acceptable to God and behavior that is not acceptable to God. In fact, God thought the “Law” was so important that He says in Jeremiah 31: 33, “I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts”.

But God, because He loves us, also gave us the freedom to choose.

The “world” tells us that it does not matter which God we believe in. But that is simply not true. There is only one God, He had only One Son, and there is only One Holy Spirit. All other “gods” are false, and those that follow them will not enter Heaven.

The “war for our souls” begins with trying to convince us that our faith is misplaced. That we should trust the government instead of God.

That’s a mistake with severe consequences. Perhaps permanent ones…

Trust Jesus. Choose Jesus. Follow Jesus.

For Jesus will lead us home.

Our Hope IS in God’s Great Love for us. Hold onto it 🙂