The Watchmen On The Wall

“I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;
They shall never hold their peace day or night.
You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent,”-Isaiah 62:6

All who know the Lord are “watchmen”. In this verse, it would appear that God is talking of Jerusalem, but this applies to us all.

We know that real safety and real joy lies in God, and in the Hope and the Help that He gives us. We should never “hold our peace” about that!

And we know that the best information about our Lord is in God’s Word (Bible), and we should never remain silent on that either!

Difficult days, or should we say “harder” days are coming, our Hope, indeed our Help comes from the Lord, and only the Lord. If we keep silent, then we deny the other person that same Hope and Help. And we deny them a future in Heaven 🙂

God calls on us Not To Keep Silent-so we need to share the Gospel and God’s great love for all of us. And when we see danger ahead, we need to share that too!