We all have read so many wonderful miracles about Mary, but Joseph was handpicked to be Jesus’s parent by God Himself as well. Descended from King David, a member of the Tribe of Judah, he was well versed in scripture. He understood them in a special God-given way :). And God picked him to be Jesus’s earthly father.
When I think of St. Joseph, I often think of how much he trusted God. After the angel’s appearance, there was no hesitation in Joseph in his love for Mary and Jesus :). When he awoke in the middle of the night, he did as instructed and immediately too Mary and Jesus to Egypt! I often wonder if I would have the same faith and trust in God.
The other thing that always touched my heart when it came to St. Jose[h, is how he always ensured that Mary and Jesus had everything they needed, but stood in the background. He loved them both so much! He provided for them and supported them, and that was enough for him.
We need to find a way to serve, trust and obey God like Joseph did! And we need to find away to love and serve our spouses and children the way St. Joseph loved and served Mary and Jesus.
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!