Trusting God: When It Is Difficult?

Thy Will Be Done

Sometimes something happens to us that is bad and we wonder where God was. Why did He let something happen to us that is so difficult or even really bad.

For example, I fell last night. It was a bad fall and I could not get up without help. To say that was painful, is to say the least. And it would have been easy to wonder why God let me fall.

But what we really need to focus on is the worse things that God prevented from happening. For example, I could have hit my head. I could have been knocked unconscious. I could have broken something. And so much more… But I didn’t. I had no lasting effects other than being sore.

The other thing we need to focus on is that this earth is not Heaven. Bad things happen, even to good people. But the difference is God is here to walk though them with us. God is here to help us – if we let Him!

We can walk with Jesus through our difficult days and the Holy Spirit will Comfort us and our Father will help us 🙂

That’s the Good News! We can Trust that God will walk through each day, bad and good, with us until we come home to Heaven 🙂

Because God loves us that much! 🙂

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!