Acceptance is really one of the major keys of happiness. It’s easy to be happy, when all things are going super well. The children are all healthy and happy, our husband is madly in love with us and all of the bills are paid… When we are healthy and happy, our faith is deep and solid and we are surrounded by family and friends who love you…But what if that is not true?
But what if we or one of our family is critically ill? What if our husband lost his job and we have no idea where the next house payment will come from? What if no on seems happy? What if our faith is teetering? What if our family and friends are far away?
It’s then that we have a choice. We can feel desperately sorry for ourselves or we can ask ourselves what does God want us to do today-and do it. We can ask God to let His Will be done in our hearts, our souls and our lives, and accept that it may not be what we would want, but it might be what we need. Or even what someone else needs. We can turn to God and ask Him to help us find the happy or peaceful moments in our day and we can ask Jesus to carry us though those difficult times!
Acceptance can be difficult to explain. It’s a way of looking at our lives and choosing to be happy with what God has given us. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be times that we cry or are unhappy. Someone we love very much may be extremely ill or die. We may have to move far away. We may face divorce. There may be many, many reasons that cause us to cry and mourn an event. But Acceptance means we don’t stay there. We pull ourselves up and we Accept our circumstances and we begin again. We ask God how we might help another person or reach out to another. And we do it!
Remember, it’s not about how we fall down; it’s about how we get up!
And we know that God will bring laughter into our life again 🙂
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!