When Pain Overwhelms Us!

“Have you been taught to think that “good” Christians don’t allow all their real hurt, turmoil, and confusion to be seen and known before bringing your heart to the Lord? NOT true! God’s Word in Psalms reminds us that we can lament to God and allow ALL our raw emotions to pour out before Him without questioning His character. There IS NO emotion that God cannot handle. Jesus has felt ALL those things and suffered in those same ways! Do NOT try to hide from our Father! He IS our Shield and our Refuge!! Amen. “-Servant of Christ

We all have seasons of suffering some time in our life. A person we love dies or falls ill; we fall ill; someone we love very much leaves our life; our children are suffering or sick, the list is endless. Sometimes the sadness so overwhelms us; we just can’t handle the pain of it! That is the time we need to cry “Daddy Help”. God loves us, He will never fail to answer an honest cry for help!

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!