Be The Light!

Are we devout? Devout means in this case: totally committed to Following Christ. Are we devout?  Is Following Jesus truly our first priority in life.  Does Following Jesus come before all other things in our life?

Mary, Our Blessed Mother, pointed each person to her Son, Jesus. Are we pointing each person we meet to Jesus?

In this generation, we have heard much of Muslims who pray five times a day.  Do we pray to our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit five times a day?  What would the world look like if we did?

A war looms over us.  If it does not happen this month, it will happen in the future.  Are we ready? 

It’s a good question.  An important one.  And it’s not just about being ready to meet our Lord; it’s about being ready to be the light that shines for others in a very dark night. 

Do we love like Jesus loves?  Will we be ready to encourage each other, to pull one another up whether it be Spiritually, physically or emotionally?

We are in a Spiritual Battle now.  We may be winning personally, but be assured our nation is not winning its Spiritual Battle.

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6

Watch, Prepare and Pray.  Our time is coming.  Be ready! Be the Light 🙂