Let Freedom Bloom!

A friend sent me this, I just had to share it 🙂

Let Freedom Bloom! During this time of confusion, when leaders make false promises,To just rely on them to make your decisions, replace your choices,Determine what is right and wrong, using of the world as a gauge,Even go far as to make laws, contradict God’s, provoke His Rage. 

Evil’s first attempt to trample, the seeds of freedom so were sown,That sprouted with the Mercy and Grace of God, beautifully grown,Now evil threatens His Life-giving Roots, because of hearts close,To let Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior in, only Hope need chose.

 Can you not see and hear His Warnings, to repent, revive His Will,How can you remain silent, slowly to be choked by the evil one still,It IS time, ask our Heavenly Father, direct us into action for His Use,Become His Example, be bold in sharing Him, replace evil’s abuse.

Request His Courage and Strength, to walk in His Ways and shout,Let Freedom Bloom!, with His Holy Spirit stirring All you, turn about,Change your ways, be thankful of His Blessings to you, praise Him,March with His Confidence, His Truth, His Love, Peace, in All them. 


“Endowed by our Creator”. How true! Our freedom in America is rooted in the Declaration of Independence. Freedom is given to us by God Himself 🙂

There are some who would destroy those roots and some who would return to them. Many have died to protect them. Many have fought with a selfless courage to keep them. And we should honor all of them!

There can be no doubt that God created us to be free. Not only in this country, but in life. Choose wisely!

Link to Declaration of Independence: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript

More On The Fairness of The Unforgivable Sin…

We all like to focus on God’s Great Mercy and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s so comforting to think about God’s Great Love for all of us.  And to know, that when we fail.  He will be there to catch us, and to forgive us. And to Love us!

But God is also Just.  And His Justice is not necessarily something every one likes to focus on.  And yet, if God were not Just, would we follow Him?  What’s the point of striving to do all that the Bible teaches us, if it doesn’t matter?  Thank God, it does matter.  And that is one of the reasons for the Unforgivable Sin.  We have our whole lives to accept Christ, but at some point, there has to be a reckoning.  This is it.

God is indeed Merciful, but He is also Just.  And we thank Him for both ?

Is It Fair To Have An Unforgivable Sin?

Some will say that it is unfair that our death can place us in a state of Unforgivable Sin.  But God is fair.  We each have our entire life in which to accept Jesus.  And that is the same for every human being that exists.  It doesn’t matter what country one comes from; what race one is; if one is rich or poor.  Every human being receives the same ability to choose.

Choose wisely?

The Unforgiveable Sin!

The Unforgiveable Sin used to scare me.  The Bible says the Unforgiveable Sin is Blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  And I believe that.  But what does that mean?  Had I ever accidentally done that?  After all I am no youngster, I can’t remember every single thing I have done in my life.  The truth is, I think that the idea of an Unforgivable Sin scares a lot of people.  And yet if you are alive, it is not a sin you could have committed.

The Unforgiveable Sin is when we die rejecting Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  For the Holy Spirit only comes to us when we accept Jesus as our Savior.  So you see, if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, it’s just not possible that you have committed the “Unforgiveable Sin”.

For Jesus forgives all other sin the minute we accept Him as our Savior.  The Holy Spirit becomes a part of us that very same moment. 

For more on The Unforgivable Sin, I think Billy Graham explains it even better: https://billygraham.org/answer/what-is-the-unpardonable-sin-i-am-afraid-i-may-have-committed-it/

So as long as we are alive, we can not have committed the Unforgiveable Sin.

More on God’s Forgiveness :)

There is nothing that God can not, and will not forgive, with the exception of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, which we can not have done yet  (more on that later).

Think about just how awesome that is!  There is nothing we have done that God can not and will not forgive.  We can start our life over today.  We can start our life over every day!

If we want to read about God’s Willingness to forgive, read Hosea 1-2 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hosea+1-2&version=ESV

If you read it literally or figuratively, it matters not.  What is clear is that God forgives because He loves us 🙂

The Color of Jesus’ Skin- Does It Matter?

In the news recently, there has been quite a discussion as to the color of Jesus’ skin. How sad that so much energy is wasted on something that does not matter.

In the Bible, it talks of clay pots. And how although the clay pots may age and deteriorate (Us). It’s what is In the pot that is truly the Treasure (The Holy Spirit). It is the same with the color of Jesus’ skin. It simply does not matter what color of skin Jesus had.

We love and follow Him because of who He was on the inside. We love and follow Him because He loved us so! And His greatest command is that we love God with our whole heart and soul, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Notice Jesus did not say, love those with whom we agree, lol. He said love every one.

Jesus does not recognize any of the ways we divide ourselves. Whether it be economic, political or race, because Jesus loves us all-each and every one!

God Forgives Us Because He Loves Us So!

Charles Spurgeon once said, “The holier a man becomes, the more he mourns his unholiness”.  I think that means that when we first become Christians, we mourn and change the “large” sins in our life.  But as we walk though our journey with Christ, even the smallest of sins trouble us greatly. 

However, we need not fear!  Our Father in Heaven is infinitely merciful to all those who fear Him.  And I must admit that I am always surprised by just how our Father knows exactly where I am-and meets me there.

He’s not just infinitely forgiving, He is also so very loving ?

 See Psalm 103: 11-17 (ESV):

Psalm 103:11-17 English Standard Version (ESV)

11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
    so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
13 As a father shows compassion to his children,
    so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.
14 For he knows our frame;[a]
    he remembers that we are dust.

15 As for man, his days are like grass;
    he flourishes like a flower of the field;
16 for the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
    and its place knows it no more.
17 But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him,
    and his righteousness to children’s children”

God Loves Us All- Each & Every One!

One has only to turn on the news to see the devastation and destruction occuring in our country because of the recent protests. Seeing it all, regardless as to which side one is on, it’s hard not to become angry.

But as much as some in the media may attempt to divide us, there is only ONE Bible. There is only ONE Word of God for us to follow. And Christ gave us a command, Love God with our whole heart and soul, and love each other.

Notice, our Lord did not say love those with whom you agree, lol. He said love everyone!

As Christians, it’s important that we remember that God made all of us. Each of us. The color of our skin may be white, may be black, may be yellow…But it doesn’t matter.

What matters is that God loves us all and we need to let that love unite us!

Peace At Any Price Is Not Peace!

Many cities and states accross the country are removing statues because they offend many Americans. One of the problems with that is that in some states, it’s against the law. Citing safety issues, elected officials are removing them anyway.

But the problem is that if the law is selectively enforced, why should any one comply with it? Selective enforcement of the law leads more people to break the law. If there are Americans who do not like the current laws, then they need to change them-not break them!

Unfortunately, a similar type of issue is facing many Christians today. Do we give in to the peer and media pressure surrounding us and turn our backs on our faith in Jesus Christ and all that it calls us to do, or do we stand firm?

Peace at any price is not peace. And our “Help comes from the Lord”, not our politicians. So we need to hold on to our faith and stand firm. Do not let the state of the world scare you!

This world is NOT our home, Heaven IS.