We Are One Family In Christ!

There are many Youtube videos shared on FollowingJesusUS.com.  Most of them are of The Blessing being sung around the world.  There is a reason for that ?

It’s really important, especially right  now, to remember that we are first and foremost citizens of Heaven.  Our Faith in Jesus unites us as one family and we are going to Heaven together!

Politicians may come into power and make good or poor choices.  We can pray for them, but we can’t change them.  But with Christ’s Help, we can change ourselves.

For example, Putin may indeed make some poor choices, but that doesn’t mean those Christians who happen to live in Russia are responsible for them.  The same with China.  Many Chinese officials may make poor, even evil, choices, but that does not mean that Christians who live in China are responsible for them.

As Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we are called to love and pray for one another.  The future may bring conflict among some countries, but let it not bring conflict among us.

We are one people.  God’s people.  Saved by Jesus for all eternity.  Let no one break us apart ?

Being Obedient To God

A really good friend sent this to me. It was so good, I just had to share 🙂

“God’s Word captures the moments that the Lord passed the baton from Moses, who had died, to Joshua. God spoke to Joshua of His Commission for him to lead the children of Israel, to the land which He was giving them. God had told Joshua that His Book of the Law that was given them shall not depart from his mouth. That he shall meditate in it day and night, that he may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then He would make his way prosperous, and then he will have good success.

God asked Joshua, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God IS with you wherever you go.” Your Heavenly Father was discussing being obedient. Part of being obedient to God IS to be willing to walk down His Path for His Will and Purpose, even when His Way IS not clear! Truly you can NOT foresee what God will do in your life before you are obedient to Him TODAY! You also need to be willing to experience conflict. Know that the evil one does NOT want to see you seeking God’s Face. He will create havoc and disruption to attempt you from going down His Path.

Know that EVERY single time you obey God, He IS able to start His Work in you! Truly, surrendering and trusting in Him for EVERYTHING He needs you for IS required. You need to leave ALL the consequences, of being obedient, to God. You CAN NOT loose in obeying God!! No matter how hard the world tries to knock you down and tells you to trust only in yourself – this WILL NOT work. You will fail – but NOT with your Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit – this IS your ROCK to stand on and be safe for ALL Eternity!!

Learn to accept His Divine Punishment in response to your disobedience. Ask your Father for His Forgiveness, repent, change to reflect His Example to live and represent Him on earth! 

My thoughts and prayers are that you are being obedient to God. That you experience His Promises to you for this obedience! Praise Him for ALL! Thank Him for ALL!! Share Him with others! In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace”