God & Racial Tensions…

When I attended Mount Zion AME church, there was a woman in the choir who sang the most beautiful version of Way Maker.  Even now, years later, I can hear her sing it.  That’s how amazing it was! That’s how amazing she was!

Covid brought some very difficult times and Mount Zion was forced to close it’s door and do their services over the phone.  Truly a tragedy, for both the Preacher and the People truly loved Jesus and were filled with the Holy Spirit!  I wish more people could have attended church there!

They could not have been more kind and loving at Mount Zion and for years I was so grateful to attend such a loving church.  I was the only white person attending an all African American church.  And I loved it 🙂 

The media will show us pictures of violence and hate. It screams with headlines that frighten us all. But the majority of people, both black and white, are good and they are kind. But because the media does not make money on that headline; they don’t report it. Instead they try to frighten us because Fear Sells.

Flash forward a few years, and our country is filled with racial tensions, but I assure you that Heaven is not!  Did I disagree with some who attended Mount Zion on certain issues?  Sure.  But that was not because of our color, it was because we had different life experiences, histories and beliefs

But those differences should never interfere with our ability to love God and love each other.  And at Mount Zion – they didn’t!  And that is the model we all need to follow.

The government and the media seek to divide us.  In some cases, they even seem to seek to persuade us to hate one another.  But we do NOT have to listen because God Loves ALL people!

Instead, we can follow our Lord Jesus and focus on loving God and each other.  It matters not to Jesus what country we are from or what color we are.  It matters not how much money we have, or how much we don’t.  And it does not matter to Jesus how we dress, lol. 

What matters to Jesus, is do we accept His Great Gift of Salvation?  Do we love God and love each other?  Do we do our best, with the Help of the Holy Spirit to read and understand the Holy Bible?  These are the things that matter.  And in the end, they will be all that matters!

Because it is in the end that the real beginning starts.  Home in Heaven with God, together.

God Is With Us!

God uses things in this world to remind us that He is with us and knows exactly where we are, emotionally, physically and mentally 🙂

A rainbow, a song on the radio, a hug from an old friend, the smile from a new friend. A person who carries more burdens than we do, but reaches out to help us carry our own.

God is with us. He finds a way to remind us every day, because He loves us! We just have to remember to look for them 🙂

Dealing With Grief

A friend sent this and I found it truly helpful. We’ve all lost someone who we really love. Sometimes to death, sometimes they just take another path. One that leads out of our life. But God can and will help us!

Dealing With Grief

“Grieving the death of a loved one is an individual process. Some initially feel numb and disoriented. Others feel anxious and have trouble sleeping. Sudden outbursts of tears are common in grief, triggered by memories or reminders of a loved one. Even those who are confident that their loved one IS with the Lord struggle with sadness over their loss. Dealing with grief IS essential in order to come to terms and move on with your life. To do that, you need to be honest in your grieving and ask God the tough questions that help. As always, prayer and God’s Word ARE Good Resources. An example of the prophet’s anguish and hope can be discovered in Lamentations 3. The circumstances of a loved one’s death can affect your grief. Because of a long period of time spent if anticipating death, this kind of bereavement differs from the intense grief over someone who dies following a brief illness, surgery or accident. Over time, this intensity of your grief will likely subside, but do NOT try to rush the grieving process – do NOT expect your feeling and emotions to be like anyone else’s. God, your Father, made you unique, and your grieving process will be a personal journey.

But keep in mind that the weight of grief IS lighter when shared. Support from others can help you to handle the aftermath of your loss. God also offers His Comfort in these times. Jesus said, “I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL come to you.” Truly, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit IS Good like that!

If grief threatens to overwhelm you, try saying with the psalmist, “My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to Your Word”. Cling to God’s Promises as you work through your grief. “He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases Strength.” Take the emotional energy you would have spent on the loved one who died and reinvest it in God’s Will and Purpose for you while on earth.

If your loved one and you have sought our Lord and know Him, not only will you see that person again in the Eternal Spiritual life to come, but that person who has gone Home IS in an immeasurably better place – in the Lord’s Presence, with no more pain or fear or sorrow. This IS True for ALL who die in the Lord!! “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. Then He who sat on the throne said, Behold, I make ALL things new”. Therefore, we mourn for ourselves, not for our Christian loved ones. They are where we yearn to be.

The Hen & Her Chicks

A friend sent me this story, it brought tears to my eyes and I just had to share 🙂

“Once there was a farmer, who like all the farmers around her, raised their own food to sustain them. She milked cows for their milk to drink, also raised steers for meat and chickens for eggs and meat too. One of her favorite hens, that she raised for chicks, was the one whom was most protective. When she had her chicks out with her, anything that was a threat – she would immediately create such a noise, ruffling her feathers and run towards the suspected intruder – most would run the other direction! Other times, when she thought that her chicks were getting a little too far away from her and a possible threat around, she would create a very specific sound, that her chicks would come running back to her and hide under her body. To say the least, it was quite a spectacle to witness either event!

One day, when the mother hen was out with her chicks, scratching around in the field getting bugs and worms to eat for them, a storm came up very quickly. The farmer was in the barn milking her cows, heard a huge clap of thunder and knew that lightning must have hit very close. She ran out of the barn and seen that the lightning had hit a tree in the field, caught it on fire and the grass around it. She quickly filled a bucket full of water and grabbed an old feed sack, soaked it in the water and ran out to the field to put out the fire. While she was running, she prayed to God to help her put out the fire! The fire moved very quickly across the field, but she kept fighting it – slapping the line of flames with her sack. It was a miracle she was able to keep the fire from spreading farther and eventually put it out.

As she walked around through the burnt field, to make certain all the fire was out, she seen the charred remains of her favorite hen. Her eyes were immediately filled with tears, for she thought that her chicks had also fallen victim to the flames. But as she got closer, she could hear little peeps, that seem to coming from under her. As she carefully removed her carcass, her eyes widen with amazement, for the bulk of the mother’s body had covered them from the searing flames. Though the heat was enough to consume her, it allowed her babies to find safety underneath. Even when the pain reached its most unbearable moment, she made herself stay through the raging flames. She gave the ultimate sacrifice to save her young. The farmer thanked God for helping her put out the fire and saving the chicks!

This illustrates an even Greater Story – this One almost incomprehensible. It IS the Story of the Creator of heaven and earth, your Heavenly Father, who does exactly the same thing to rescue His wayward children from their own destruction. He sent His Only Son, Jesus Christ, whom also gave the Ultimate Sacrifice for His Children on the cross. Even when the pain reached its most unbearable moment, He made Himself stay, so you would not have to suffer through the raging flames of hell.

My thoughts and prayers are that you surrender and ask Him to help you learn how to Trust Him for EVERYTHING in your life! Stop and search for His Awesome Outstretched Arms! When you find them – let go, let Him give you the safety of eternity with Him! Truly, there IS no safer place! In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.”

Being A Friend Of God :)

“Thus says the Lord, “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches. But let him that glories in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, which excercises loving kindness, judgement, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight”, says the Lord.” – Jeremiah 9:23

Need more be said? 🙂

Choosing Jesus :)

I heard this really sad story the other day about the effects of the inflation on people.  A Dad was at the store trying to decide whether he should buy something for his family.  His only motivation was to provide something nice for his family, who he loved so much!  But he couldn’t decide.  Should he buy it or should he save the money in case inflation kept rising?  He couldn’t decide and sadly returned home-with nothing.

Did he make the right decision?  It’s hard to say.  Inflation this month was about 11 percent.  But that 11 percent includes a lot of things that we don’t need, so it might actually be higher. Considering inflation, perhaps the Dad was right to save his money.

There will be a lot of decisions in the coming years that we will find really difficult, but choosing to Accept Christ has No Downside and provides us with the only real Safe Space that exists.  There is not a list of pros and cons for us to consider, because there are only pros ?.

When one truly accepts Christ, it’s like a “free pass” to Heaven.  And we know how wonderful that is!  But it’s more than that.  It’s gaining a best friend who will never let us down, and who will always love us no matter what!  And who will always be there for us, on the good days and bad!  A friend who is there to listen 24/7 and who will never give us bad or selfish advice.  A friend who will always forgive us, always help us, and always walk through our days and nights with us.

What could be better than that?

“And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. 30 I and My Father are one.” -John 10:28-30

America stands at a Cross Roads, but we don’t have too.  We can choose Jesus and start on the road Home to Heaven.  And no one, and no government can stop us, because Jesus will be with us every step of the way ?

“Be Still And Know That I Am God”

11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:

12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?” – 1 Kings: 19: 11-13

We can all, each one of us, hear God’s voice; we just have to listen for it – and obey Him. ?

Pray for Russia!

About 15 years ago, we were all praying for Russia. A school was violently attacked by terrorists in Beslan, Russia. Over 300 people were killed, most of them children! As Britannica says, “the Russian people were traumitized and the world was horrified!” and “hundreds of wounded” would bear the emotional scars for the rest of their lives.

Our hearts and prayers went out for all of the children and families involved!

Fast forward to today and the same Russian families that suffered so, live in a country that is attacking the families of Ukraine with even more violence. Children have been killed and injured!

But there is a difference, with the Russia’s media under complete state control, some of them truly do not know that Russia is violently and indiscriminitely attacking the families of Ukraine! Sadly, America’s media is growing closer to becoming like Russia’s media. Government controlled. Pray for our nation as well!

And Please pray for the people in Russia. All a Russian mother and father may know is that their son is dead. They may not now know how or why. Pray that God will lift the veil that covers their eyes so that they may see the truth. And pray that God Comforts them in their loss and has Mercy on them, for God loves them too!

Why Should We Forgive?

We should forgive otheres because Christ forgave us. And we should forgive others because Our Father wants us too. And we should forgive others because it helps us 🙂

“and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” – Matthew 6:12

But our Lord in His wisdom also wants us to forgive others because it is the only way our hurt will begin to heal so that one day we can let go of our pain completely. For the longer we hold on to the hurt and anger, no matter how justified, the longer we hurt.

Some people think that forgiving someone means an immedicate sessation of pain and/or anger. But forgiveness is not a feeling, it’s a choice.

And once we make that choice, a next step to take in healing our own pain, is to pray for that person. The more we pray for them; the more that we will find that the heaviness that lays on our heart will lift and the easier it will become to forgive.

And as our forgiveness grows, so will God’s Grace. And our pain will fade until one day it is gone 🙂

“Harden Not Your Heart”

“To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts”-Hebrews 3:15

So often we think of this verse, and we forget it applies to us! In order not to “harden our hearts”, we must be willing to feel not only the happy feelings that life brings, but the sad and hurtful ones too.

The joy of holding your baby; the sadness of watching the children who are suffering so horrifically in Ukraine. The warmth of a hug, the heart wrenching that comes when we see an elderly person suffer.

We are commanded to love God with all of our heart and soul, and our neighbor as ourselves-all of them. And that means we have to be willing to feel the good and the bad, because that is something that love commands.

So if we are to love God, we must not “harden not our heart”. We must be willing to be persistant in our prayer lives, but we must also be willing to accept when God says “no”, or “not yet”. And when we love others, we must be willing to accept the good and the bad-and love them anyway 🙂