Why Should We Forgive?

We should forgive otheres because Christ forgave us. And we should forgive others because Our Father wants us too. And we should forgive others because it helps us ๐Ÿ™‚

“and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” – Matthew 6:12

But our Lord in His wisdom also wants us to forgive others because it is the only way our hurt will begin to heal so that one day we can let go of our pain completely. For the longer we hold on to the hurt and anger, no matter how justified, the longer we hurt.

Some people think that forgiving someone means an immedicate sessation of pain and/or anger. But forgiveness is not a feeling, it’s a choice.

And once we make that choice, a next step to take in healing our own pain, is to pray for that person. The more we pray for them; the more that we will find that the heaviness that lays on our heart will lift and the easier it will become to forgive.

And as our forgiveness grows, so will God’s Grace. And our pain will fade until one day it is gone ๐Ÿ™‚