While The Stations of the Cross are usually said in many churches during Easter, when they were first said, they were said outdoors both mornings and evenings. According to Catholic Tradition, they were created by Mary, the Mother of God, who had moved to Ephesus in Ancient Greece (now Turkey) with John after Jesus’ Ascension to Heaven. She said them in the mornings and evenings and created them as a way to truly meditate on Christ’s Journey to the Cross. They were initially called, The Holy Way of the Cross and erected by Mary herself
The above photo is from Lake Iseo in Italy . It is a photo of their outdoor beautiful Stations of the Cross. There is another one in Hinkley, Ohio at Our Lade of Grace which is also beautifully done: Our Lady of Grace. Both of these are outdoors. And many exist in other placesas well. As we enter Round Two of covid, and if we encounter other viruses as well, perhaps this may be a great way for all of us to worship together outside.
Catholic or Protestant, we all worship Jesus. And we should do so together, especially now! For we are one church, united by our Faith in Jesus Christ.
Link to: Suggestions for Praying The Stations of the Cross at home with our family and friends
Link to: The Stations of the Cross:
Praying together is important. We don’t yet know if Covid (or other dangerous illnesses coming will be cured), this is one way we can gather outdoors together to pray. The Holy Way of the Cross, given to us by Mary, Mother of God is a great way to do that!
A gift that just keeps giving Thank you Mary!