Thank You!

Thank you?  With Covid 19- Round 2 starting and the events that are happening in both our country and around the world, it’s hard to be grateful.  Or is it?

Jesus IS still coming back.

We are still going to Heaven ?

Many Christians around the world are still alive.

Thanks to the courage and service of millions of caring medical personnel, millions have survived Covid 19.

Thanks to courageous and selfless public and private intervention, many Christians in Afghanistan are safe.  Is it enough?  No.  But it is better and more than it could be and we can be very grateful for every life spared.

Those that serve in the military and their families have sacrificed so much, but they continue to serve anyway.

We still have our humanity and love each other.

We still have our Faith.

Our Father still loves us and hears our prayers?

Jesus is still our Savior 🙂

The Holy Spirit still lives in us ?

Truly, the list is endless!  Clearly, in spite of many media headlines, we are Blessed!