Where Does Courage Come From?

It comes from Truly Accepting God’s Will for our lives. 

And what does that mean exactly?

Let’s take one example.  Someone we love is dieing.  We pray for them constantly to live-but they go to Heaven anyway.  God says No.  What then?

We accept that this is God’s Will.

When we Truly accept God’s Will, then we also accept any hurt and pain that comes our way.  When some one dies we, of course, miss them and grieve their loss.  But we are not afraid, because we know that God loves us and loves them.  And we know that if God took them to Heaven, it was for a good reason.  We may not know that reason now, but we TRUST that it was a good reason born out of God’s great love for us.

Sometimes a hardship happens to us that is truly unjust.  We can either choose to be angry or we can choose to see the good that God creates out of it. 

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”- Romans 8:28

What is happening in our country is also a good example.  There can be no doubt that in our current society, “evil appears good and good evil”.  Many question what good could possibly come of this?  But the truth is, great good may come of this as more people turn to God and Faith.  And those with Faith, will find their faith deepens.

The Truth is: Once we accept God’s Will, God’s Joy & Peace will follow.

In every situation, God gives us a choice.  We can look for Him-or not.  That is real freedom-given to us by God Himself ?