Help On How To Pray :)

A friend sent this, very helpful 🙂

“Popcorn Prayer”

Once upon a time, when some children in a family were growing up, the family had regular devotional times of sharing God and studying His Word . During these special moments of giving our Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Glory and Honor, they would have what they called “Popcorn Prayer” time. Everyone randomly called out a name or situation that needed prayer in no special order! This gave all the family plenty of chances to pray out loud and often. Prayer is not a ritual that depends on closing eyes, to kneel or sit. We can pray even while walking or working. Our Heavenly Father responds to a one or two word cry for help, just like He does a focused prayer time after reading Scripture. Praying doesn’t have to be complicated. God delights in any simple words we offer Him. We should just pray fervently, with all our heart, mind and spirit.

Whether you have had a personal relationship with God for years or you are only beginning to discover who Jesus is, we all need guidance when it comes to prayers, It’s often hard to find words to pray. That is why before we pray, we should always ask our Lord to send His Holy Spirit as our Helper and Guide. This involves various topics including worry, anxiety, doubt, forgiveness, fear, and other areas of life where we need to ask for God’s help. Sometimes just admitting to your Father that you are at a loss for words. That you are not sure how to pray for this difficult situation. But you know His Promise that He hears your prayers and you want to try praying now. The best part of praying IS that when you send your prayers, Jesus Christ intervenes and helps us to send our request to His Father in heaven!

My thoughts and prayers are that you allow the Holy Spirit to help and guide you in your prayers. That through the world’s chaos and confusion, feeling like drowning in your circumstances, you receive the Strength and Peace that only God can give. That right now and  always, you choose to Trust and Rest in your Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.”

My Friends, Know You Are Making A Difference

A friend sent me this, and I thought it was a great reminder that we, each of us, do make a difference 🙂

Luke 19:17 And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.

“Many are discouraged with the election results in the United States, others, perhaps are elated. Most Christians and Messianic believers do not see the nation choosing Biblical values with the continuation of the present administration, and are deeply concerned about the direction America is heading.

It is our view that the Scriptures do not hold out a political hope for mankind in this age, but that the political scene will be increasingly consolidated by evil powers, moving toward a system overseen by an anti-messiah; [Rev. 13]. And since Yeshua’s (Jesus’) great commission to us was directed primarily at individuals when He said to go make disciples of all the nations, we will continue to focus on the individual lives which we can help to save, bless, encourage, and disciple.

We are not losing the battle. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Lord’s building of His Body, and His kingdom will come, as millions have prayed, when He, the King, returns here to set it up. [see Acts 1:6-7Revelation 11:15] In this light, let me remind you of a popular story that offers a profound but simple encouraging message:

A young man once went to the beach. There, he saw miles and miles of starfish washed up on the sand. “If these starfish stay out here during the heat of the day,” he thought, “they’ll die.” So he began picking up one starfish at a time as he walked, and threw them one by one back into the ocean.

An elderly man also walking along the shore approached him and said, “Do you mind if I ask young man, what are you doing?” “I’m throwing these poor starfish back into the ocean so they don’t die in the hot sun,” the youth replied. “But what difference can you really make,” said the old man, “Look at this beach — there are thousands, maybe millions, of starfish here!”

The young man smiled as he threw yet another starfish into the sea. “Well — it made a difference to that one!”

“Faithful in a very little”, the Word of God says. It is faithfulness in the little things that the Lord rewards mightily! Every individual human being is precious and inestimably valuable to God. It is no waste of time to address the spiritual, emotional, or physical needs of any of the millions of individuals who suffer in one way or another.

My Friends, keep “walking the beach and rescuing starfish”, being faithful in small things. We believe that somehow, our reward will involve a broader authority when the Lord’s kingdom arrives with Him. These are His words: “because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.”

Your family in the Lord with much agape love,

George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah

Our Bible Was Meant To Be Used!

I received a beautiful note of encouragement from someone asking what is a good and accurate Bible to use? I use the above KJV Bible which is available at Amazon. I use the paperback version ($29.95), both because it is cheaper and easier to hold and read.

I once had the privilege of listening to a missionary from a very dangerous place. He said he had read his Bible so often that it was torn and very worn out. He had highlighted all his favorite verses and folded pages. He wrote notes besides verses.   I prayed right then that my Bible would become the same.

Whatever version you choose, read it, highlight it, use it!

Because Bibles don’t help us if we don’t read them! 🙂

Warning! We Need To Protect Our Faith From Those Who Would Weaken It!

It has started already! On one mainstream media site there was a link to a “news” story in which the story attempted to plant seeds of doubt about the validity of a few verses in the Bible. The Bible is true and complete AS IT IS!

Don’t read these stories! While it’s true different people may interpret the Bible differently, the Bible is True and Complete As It IS!

The writer tries to take a few verses out of context and plant a doubt in our mind about the truth of those particular verses. But their real goal is to get you to question the Bible entirely.

Don’t! Don’t let those who lack faith take you with them! God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are all that matter now, and they will be all that matter when we die.

Jesus warned everyone:

“I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.”-Revelations 22:18

The people who try to make others doubt the truth of the Bible will pay the price. We don’t want to be among them!

In close, as many have said and heard, “we are what we eat”. We need to fill our hearts and minds with things that strengthen our faith, not weaken it.

So today and for the rest of our days, let’s fill our hearts and minds only with that which brings us closer to our Lord 🙂

Share Your Faith!

“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”-Matthew 10: 26-28

It can be scarey these days to share our faith with non-believers. Christians, True Christians, are persecuted the world over. And that persecution is beginning to happen here in the United States. And sadly, it will continue to worsen. But the only way to salvation for non-believers is if we share our faith with them. And so we need to, if we can.

Here are a few suggestions some may find helpful. If you are struggling in your own faith, avoid non-believers like the plague. Immerse yourself in things that strengthen your faith, seek the support of trusted Christian friends, for nothing is more important than holding onto your own salvation! And remember, you are what you eat, lol 🙂

If you feel that your faith is strong enough AND that it can NOT be shaken by non-believers, than reach out as you can. But remember this, the outcome belongs to God. We can share, we can plant a seed, but ultimately every person is free to choose. A freedom given to each person by God Himself.

And lastly, if we hope to reach anyone, we must love them first. Kindness and friendship go a long way. Before we can really reach anyone for Christ, they must first know that we genuinely care about their welfare 🙂

“Love others” means loving both the people we agree with and the people we don’t. It’s not always an easy task, especially right now, but it is what Jesus commanded 🙂

Holy Spirit, Please Lead Us In Planting God’s Word In Our Heart. Amen

Unaltered Bibles may not always be as easy to find as they are today. Just one small word can make a significant change to the meaning of a verse.

Flash forward to the future.. There are many in leadership, and even in churches, that have a vested interest, not to mention an evil motive, in changing God’s Word.

Many of them want to murder those who are not born yet. Some even want to murder those who are born already! Many of them wish to support every possible type of sexual and immoral behavior.

And if the Bible were changed, it would be so much easier to get us, along with future generations to go along with their goals.

And that is why purchasing a Bible, or even “extra” Bibles NOW is so very important. They can be obtained very inexpensively at

But there is also something else we can do-ask the Holy Spirit to Help us to plant God’s Word in our Heart :).

One of my favorite verses is, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”-Psalm 119:105 KJV

And because I have memorized it and asked the Holy Spirit to Help me plant it in my heart, it comes to me whenever I need it.

There are many verses that can help us. Memorize them and ask the Holy Spirit to help plant them in your heart.

Because the more we read and memorize God’s Word, the harder it will be for anyone to deceive us. It may even be a political leader or a preacher who attempts to mislead us, but in the end ALL that will matter is God’s Word and His Directions, not their’s.

Ask The Holy Spirit To Lead You In Choosing The Verses That Will Help You and Read The Bible Everyday. Because this will help to protect us.

And remember, the Bible is a Roadmap to Heaven. We just need to follow it 🙂

And So It Begins…

In Daniel 12:10 it says,Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

Judgement is coming and it is important to understand this verse. Many will be purified (that’s us :). And I am so grateful that we will understand.

But it is also important to know that the wicked will not. Pity them, forgive them, for they “know not what they do” (Luke 23:34), nor do they understand the consequences they will face.

And when life gets challenging, “Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; ”-John 15:20

Prepare, Watch and Pray 🙂

Be ready!