Category: Uncategorized
Teach Us To Number Our Days!
“So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom”
Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days? It sounds just like, make every day count! The Bible teaches us so many things and this one is really important. If we were to think of today as our very last day on earth, what would we do with it? Spend more time with our loved ones? Share the gospel with others? Hug more? Smile more? Judge less? Reach out to strangers? Listen to those who are homeless, for they all have a story to tell? Help others more? The list is endless…
What if everyone treated today as if it were their last day on earth? Would the world be a better place?
Let’s make today count! Amen ?
Gratitude & Anxiety
If we are honest, we all struggle with a bit of anxiety these days. The world is changing, and we are not sure if, or when, it will change back. At this point, I’m not sure we really have a choice in the matter. I am not even sure Washington has a choice.
But I am sure that we do have a choice in what we choose to focus on. And what we choose to focus on will be our reality. So we can focus on and think about all of our worries. Or we can choose to spend our time and our focus on what we are grateful for. It’s our choice, but it’s hard to be anxious and grateful at the same time?
It’s hard not to look at our lives and be grateful for something But here are a few of the things I am grateful for:
My Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mary & Joseph, Peter and all of the Apostles who shared the Gospel with so many, all of those who sacrificed so much to get the Bible written so we could read it…my husband, my children, that I am alive, friends that love me, work, the doctors and nurses that work so bravely to take care of us, our home, grocery store workers who so bravely go to work, soldiers who defend our freedom, chocolate, flowers, the seas and the mountains, music, prayer, hugs (which I still enjoy and consider an “essential part of life), holding hands, guardian angels, pizza, sleeping, snuggling in bed when just slightly awake, the sunshine, the rain..And that we have a God who loves us!
There are so many things to be grateful for, even in the midst of Covid 19. Make a list. And on difficult days, read it ?
Want a Thank You Jesus sign for your yard, visit:
Let’s Bring Everyone We Can To Heaven
Oswald Smith (a famous Evangelical Preacher & Missionary) once said:
“Oh, to realize that souls, precious, never dying souls, are perishing all around us…”
He continues on from there. But what he is speaking of is that some of us lack genuine, heart-wrenching, compassion for those who reject Jesus Christ. Too many human beings are lost to an eternity in Hell simply because we don’t take the time to share the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Whether it’s peer pressure, or busyness or fear, we (and I include myself in this) hesitate just a second too long sometimes, and the moment in which we could share the Good News is gone! And that person is lost, perhaps forever.
However, if we truly love our Lord and love our “neighbor”, our hearts should break for those who are lost and for the suffering they will endure. So for today and for all of the tomorrows, let’s not miss our chance to share the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ. Let’s help as many as we can spend eternity in Heaven.
Curtis Zachary who wrote Converge Bible Studies had something really helpful to say about sharing the Gospel: “We don’t make choices for other individuals. We share the Joy & Hope we have found in the God of the Gospel”
Remember, it’s not our responsibility to convince another-that’s the Holy Spirit’s job. It’s just our job to plant the seed ?
God is Fair; Salvation is a free Gift offered to us all!
There are many who seem to feel that Christianity does not treat all people fairly. But this is simply not true! Jesus loves us all, each and everyone. His Salvation is a free Gift, offered to all.
In Ezekiel, it says: “Ezekiel, your people accuse me of being unfair. But they are the ones who are unfair. If good people start doing evil, they will be put to death, because they have sinned. And if wicked people stop sinning and start doing right, they will save themselves from punishment (Ezekiel 33:17-19, Contemporary English Version)
In Ephesians, it says: “God saved you by His Grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this, it is a Gift from God.” (Ephesians 2:8, New Living Translation)
Salvation is a free gift offered to us all. It’s our choice if we choose to accept it-or not…A choice God gave to each one of us because He loves us so 🙂
“If you feel far from God, who moved?”
In Isaiah 59:2, it says:
“But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear”.
A frightening verse! But what is it that we need to learn from it? Does it mean that God will not hear our prayers? No, God always hears our prayers. Does it mean God will not answer our prayers? Not necessarily.
What I believe it’s referring to, although it’s just my belief, is that we will not feel God’s Nearness as clearly. When we sin repeatedly, faith becomes difficult. The guilt we feel for our sins creates a wall between us and our Lord. It’s like a vicious circle. The more we think of God, the more we think of our sins, the guiltier we feel and then the farther we feel from God…
But fortunately for us, our Father loves us very much. Just as there is no wrong our own children can do that would stop us from loving them, we can do no wrong that will stop our Father from loving us. In fact, our Father loves us even more than we could ever love our own child! I know that is hard to imagine, but it’s true.
So if there is a “sin”, or indeed anything waying on our hearts that’s been keeping us from reaching out to our Father, don’t let it. Reach out. Pray. But don’t wait, for none of us is guaranteed tomorrow.
After all, what’s that saying, “if you feel far from God, who moved?”
“Hope has a Name; His Name is Jesus”
What does Hope look like:
91 You can go to God Most High to hide.
You can go to God All-Powerful for protection.
2 I say to the Lord, “You are my place of safety, my fortress.
My God, I trust in you.”
3 God will save you from hidden dangers
and from deadly diseases.
4 You can go to him for protection.
He will cover you like a bird spreading its wings over its babies.
You can trust him to surround and protect you like a shield.
5 You will have nothing to fear at night
and no need to be afraid of enemy arrows during the day.
6 You will have no fear of diseases that come in the dark
or terrible suffering that comes at noon.
7 A thousand people may fall dead at your side
or ten thousand right beside you,
but nothing bad will happen to you!
8 All you will have to do is watch,
and you will see that the wicked are punished.
9 You trust in the Lord for protection.
You have made God Most High your place of safety.
10 So nothing bad will happen to you.
No diseases will come near your home.
11 He will command his angels to protect you wherever you go.
12 Their hands will catch you
so that you will not hit your foot on a rock.
13 You will have power to trample on lions
and poisonous snakes.
14 The Lord says, “If someone trusts me, I will save them.
I will protect my followers who call to me for help.
15 When my followers call to me, I will answer them.
I will be with them when they are in trouble.
I will rescue them and honor them.
16 I will give my followers a long life
and show them my power to save.”
Will we be protected in the “last days”?
In Daniel 12:1, it says “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.”
Perhaps the”children of your people” is us :).
The Power of Christ’s Love
We don’t often talk about the Power of Jesus. But it is very real. We see that in the Bible time and again. He healed the sick, made the blind see, created the world, He raised a person from death and He arose from death. Because He lived, we live.
But perhaps the “Power” that He had that mattered the most was His willingness to give up everything in order that we might live. His willingness to suffer anything, bear any burden, so that we might go to Heaven. His willingness to pay the price for our sin so that we wouldn’t have to.
In other words, the power that matters the most is the Power of Jesus’ Love for us!
As just one small example, think of the 40 days and nights that Jesus was tested by Satan. Although He easily had the power to create bread to eat or water to drink, Jesus chose to go hungry and thirsty. For us. Would we? Could we?
Jesus chose to suffer Himself so that He might alleviate our suffering. That is true love. And that is the true Power of Love.
It is easy to use power for one’s own sake, but to use it for the sake of another at the expense of one’s self, that takes a willingness and strength that is truly pleasing to God.
Jesus’ Power Was In His Willingness and in His Love for us. Are We Willing too? Do we love Him enough? Can we?
There is Power in the Name of Jesus
There are times when I do not know what to pray; I find myself at a loss for words. Sometimes it is a temptation that I face. A bad dream that I awoke from. A fear or worry I can not name. But there is Power in the name of Jesus. And sometimes, the simplest and best prayer is simply to call upon His Name. Jesus.