The Greatest Love Story Ever!

Thank You!

The Greatest Love Story Ever Told is God’s Love For Us! No one has ever loved me as much as God; no one ever will :).

A good friend sent me this text, it described God’s Love so well:

“Know that I AM in you and you in Me. Nothing on earth can take this away. I will give you My Strength and Courage. I will give you My angels to help and protect you. I will give you My Holy Spirit Stirring in your heart, to share Me with others. I gave you My Son for Sacrifice for your sins. I will give you Eternal Life with Me for seeking My Face. I will give you My Peace now and forever. Amen!”

Wow! How could it be better than that?

This Christmas, let us celebrate how truly loved we are by God and share that love with others 🙂

What Future Will We Choose?


Thank You!

 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.”-Isaiah 66:4-5

This does not have to be our future. God gave us a choice. He sent His only Son Jesus to Save us!

This Christmas, as we celebrate His birth, we can also recommit ourselves to Truly Following Christ. Let that be our Birthday Gift to Jesus.

This Christmas, Share Christ’s Love With The Lost!

“Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace”-Wonderful Counselor”

How Blessed are we :).

But there are some who reject Jesus. Some who celebrate Christmas, without even celebrating His birth. It’s hard to imagine how anyone could celebrate Christmas, but not celebrate Christ’s birth. It seems wrong.

To realize that there are people/souls are “perishing all around us, going out into the blackness of darkness and despair, eternally lost”. And not to care. Somehow that also seems wrong.

 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”-John 3:16

Seems like if God loved us so, we should love unbelievers just as well.

This Christmas, pray especially for those who do not believe. Reach out to those who do not yet know Jesus. And pray they will come to know Him in time.


Thank you!

“Believe what you do believe. or else you will never persuade anybody else to believe it.”-Charles Spurgeon

As we approach Christmas, our thoughts and our hearts go out to those we love that do not believe. We want to share our joy and our hope with them, but are sometimes unsure how we can do that.

The first step is to “Believe what you do believe”. We can’t share what we don’t truly have ourselves. So often we ask, how do we make our faith stronger? There are some steps that can help such as praying and reading the Bible.

But really the way lies in asking God to make our faith stronger. To give us that Gift so that we can share it with others. Jesus said in John 7:38, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit.

So ask the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ Name, for Help today 🙂

The Bridge

Thank You!

See while praying the Rosary: The Great Depression

With the economy struggling world wide, many of us worry if we will one day return to the days of the Great Depression. Or worse yet, just as World War II pulled us out of the Great Depression, will there be a World War III?

But the answer is the same today as it was yesterday, Jesus 🙂

Jesus created a Bridge between the Father and us. He created a path for us to spend eternity in Heaven. but we do need to accept His Great Gift.

As we approach the Celebration of Christ’s birth, accept His Gift today!

We Need To Open Our Eyes!

“Father, please open our eyes” is a phrase in the lyrics of the song Make It Right. As we approach Christmas, the need to “open our eyes” has never been stronger and more necessary.

Because being Christian is more than just a phrase and it is more than just a claim. It’s who we are, every minute of every day!

“I’m praying that you open our eyes”-Make It Right.

Please pray that we all “open our eyes”. For a prison can be a building, but it can also be our behavior choices. It can be the people we choose to spend our time with. It can be how we prioritize our time. Prisons are often of our own making, but we can choose to be free in Christ 🙂

And this Christmas, I also pray that we all make following Jesus our number one priority, we can make that our gift to Jesus 🙂

For Jesus have already given us so much. Thank you Jesus!

Pray For Peace!

In Matthew 24, verse 24, Jesus warns us that:

“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” – Matthew 24:24

So how will we know when Jesus truly returns? We know many things, but one of them is that Jesus will never contradict what is in God’s Word. Never.

The Bible is our resource; we need to read it.

And as we approach the celebration of Christ’s birth, we can celebrate the Hope that Jesus gives us. The knowledge that we are saved because He chose to be born. Truly we are Blessed. Thank you Jesus!

Prepare, Pray and Be Ready!

Thank You Joseph!

Thank You!

In order to understand Joseph’s Great Faith, one has to understand the times in which He lived. Men did not marry women who were already pregnant. At least not in this particular type of situation. For example, if Joseph had exposed Her pregnancy publicly, Mary could have been stoned to death! Thankfully, Joseph, a descendant of the House of King David, was a good man and unwilling to expose Mary to public disgrace.

Blessedly, an Angel appeared to Joseph telling him to be Mary’s husband. And telling Him to name the baby Jesus. Joseph did both!

Joseph had a second dream some years later, in which an angel told him to flee to Egypt. Joseph awoke in the middle of the night and fled with Mary and Jesus.

Personally, I stand in awe of His faith. He didn’t hesitate; he just obeyed! Would that we could all be more like him 🙂

But there were also other incredible gifts that Joseph gave. He took care of Jesus in the way an earthly father would. He loved him; he supported him and he protected him. And he did the same for Mary! He was an emotional and physical shoulder for Mary to lean on. He was there. Mary could depend on him, in all ways. And Mary loved him 🙂

And Joseph Loved Mary & Jesus 🙂

“Be Born In Me”

Thank You!

Christmas, in a sense, began with Mary’s Yes. We often forget just how young Mary was. Just a girl. How overwhelmed She must have been! I can’t even imagine how filled with love Her Heart was for God! Or how filled with courage and faith :).

That Mary said Yes to God, and helped to give us the Greatest Gift we have ever received: Jesus.

Thank you Mary, we will always be so very grateful 🙂