Choose Christ While You Can!

It’s hard for Christians all over.  Whether it is an outright threat to our lives or simply the peer pressure that is occurring in America, the world has tried to by and large, to silence Christianity.  From calling us  judgmental to the resounding silence of many in the media when it comes to suggesting people should pray during these difficult times, the world has found many ways to suggest that we should be quiet.

But this is not the time to be quiet.  So often our Lord has helped us!  It is time for us to take a stand for Him as well.

So here is mine.  I follow Christ, above all things.  I need Christ, above all things.  I am not a Christian because I am “so good”, but rather I am a sinner in need of a Savior.  The Bible is the Word of God, as it is written, and it is true and complete.  I care far more for what God thinks, than what man thinks.  And I am not afraid, for I know our Lord has both me and those I love, and I trust Him.  And no matter how difficult the road becomes, my true Home is in Heaven and no one and nothing can stop Jesus from bringing me Home.  Jesus IS coming back-soon!

Choose Christ while you can ?