Don’t Miss Your Miracles :)

“I don’t want to miss what you have for me” is a line in this song by Jeremy Camp, and it’s a great one. So often we are so busy, we walk right by one of God’s miracles for us without seeing it. We just miss it.

Nature might be one of the easiest examples. On a really exhausting day, do we really think that the beautiful flower, or the rainbow, or the sun shining on the water is just by chance? Or is it God loving us so much that He sends a little “sunshine” in our path when we are tired?

Or perhaps we are feeling discouraged. Feeling as if what we do doesn’t really matter, doesn’t really make a difference. And then the phone rings, and it is someone calling us to tell us – we do make a difference. Coincidence or is it God’s Miracle for you?

There is a great book series on these types of Miracles. It’s called God Winks :). And you can find it on and Amazon.

Don’t miss God’s Miracles for you. They happen more often than we realize 🙂