Faith & Practice :)

In the past, we’ve talked about Faith being a matter of Remembering and Forgetting, and Remembering again. One of the best lessons I ever learned.

Another of the best lessons I ever learned was about Practice. Remember that old saying, “Practice makes Perfect”? Faith is the same.

Trust in God comes from Practice. We step out when we are afraid, praying that God will catch us if we fall-and God does. The more that we do that, (the more we “Practice”), the stronger our trust becomes 🙂

It’s the same with being in the Presence of God. Being in the Presence of God fills us with indescribable joy. A joy so pure it moves one-literally. And fills us completely. But the question we all seek the answer to, is how do we get there.

It’s about focus, and it takes, you guessed it :), Practice. Being in the Presence of God takes focusing only on God, and nothing else. Not the world, not those we love and not those we fear. Only God. It takes Practice to learn how and to achieve it. But with God’s Help, we can get there!

And God wants us to get there, because He loves us so. In the Bible, God says “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you” – Isaiah 41:13 . And God will.

Difficult days are ahead, so practice Now! For the more that we learn to live in God’s Presence, the less we will fear the world 🙂