God Is Always Faithful!

Doubt Creeps In, Where Only Faith Belongs.

I wish I could say that I have never had any doubts, but that would not be true.  And that’s okay.  Remember Thomas?  Jesus understands ?

Do we doubt that Jesus is real, no.  For even Satan knows Jesus is real.  I think when doubt creeps in, it is more subtle than that and has more to do with our own insecurities.  We do not really doubt God’s Goodness, but our own. 

But God is Faithful, even when we are not.  He loves us, even when we feel unlovable.  He loves us every second of every minute of every day.  We just need to remember that ?

And Thank Him 🙂

Because Faith is not about how we feel on any given day, but rather who we choose to follow every single day ?

Follow Jesus 🙂