God Loves Us More Than We Can Imagine!

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.'” – Isaiah 53:5

How much Jesus suffered! How much our Father and the Holy Spirit suffered. Can you imagine watching your only son suffering in that way? Or how much Mary must have suffered watching Her only Son suffer so! And yet, they loved us more!

Mary knew that Her Son would suffer for our sins. This was our Father’s Plan, so He knew. And Jesus knew, and came Willingly. And the Holy Spirit knew. God loved us that much! They were willing to suffer so, so that we would not have too.

We are healed and at peace, because Jesus was willing to endure our punishment. And because Jesus endured our punishment, not only do we get to go home to Heaven, but He created a Bridge between us and our Father! Heaven may be in the future, but the Bridge is now 🙂

The Father, Jesus & the Holy Spirit, and Mary, love us more than we can imagine!

St. Bernadette of Lourdes once said, “we are nothing, but to God we are everything!” She was right.

Prepare, Pray and Be Ready!