Health Alert!

Did you know that Mosquitos can carry many diseases now? 

This may be a good year to spray for mosquitos, especially if you live in an area that is prone to them.

Mosquitos carry many diseases much worse than Covid 19 and can be extremely large! There are also some that have managed to come to America from China. There are also research labs on mosquitos in China. According to some sources, mosquito’s kill 1 million people a year now. Some sources also say that diseases born by mosquitos infect almost one out of 10 people on earth right now.

In Florida, they intend on releasing one billion genetically modified mosquitos from Brazil. Researchers think they may kill other mosquitos, but they carry diseases like Zika and Dengue…

Just a few of the diseases that a mosquito can carry include  Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, and malaria…

Who knows what they will carry tomorrow?

Pray. Be Warned and Be Ready!