In Times Such As These :)

A friend sent me this one 🙂

“Where Good seemed to be overshadowed by evil, there now appears to be God’s Light Shining through. What a difference He can make!! Of course, evil does NOT do well in His Light – exposed of corruption, disruption, and just plain old hate. The evil one has to do a LOT of kicking and screaming to get those, whom do not fear the Lord, to think that his side is the best to be on. The evil one’s concept is simple – the louder and more destructive towards others, must mean that you are winning. That you have a right to receive something for nothing. That just because you do not agree with someone – gives you permission to do anything that you feel is appropriate to achieve your agenda. That you have NO limit on how extreme the cause and effect of the results of your actions are. That you have NO restriction of world law’s or even God’s Laws for that matter. Know that your Heavenly Father only puts up with so much! He IS aware that the evil one attempts to gather up as many as he possibly can – to turn God’s Children away from their Maker. God IS also a Compassionate Parent, that creates roadblocks to turn those away from a path of eternal destruction. Sometimes He lets His Children experience the bad, to awaken them – for them to see that what they are doing IS wrong and NOT being obedient to Him. He NEVER gives up on His – even though they may constantly be making bad decisions. He really Loves ALL His Creation! He WILL receive them back with them repenting, being sorry for their sins and accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior – receiving His Holy Spirit to change them, to surrender to Him ALL that they are and will be! What He WILL NOT tolerate IS the rejection of His Holy Spirit!!
Truly, there IS NO “middle of the fence” when it comes to this spiritual battle here on earth. You may think that you are capable to be able to exist in a “gray” area – that you can be on both sides of good and evil and survive (i.e. maybe back and forth when you see fit). It simply IS NOT SO! Our Lord, Jesus Christ did not say, “If there are enough righteous souls – then I will suffer and die on the cross for them.” NO – His Sacrifice was for ALL the world – even those that spit on him, struck Him, tortured Him, nailed Him to His Cross – His Love IS Undeniable, Unlimited, AMAZING!! His Father knew He would do this – but THANK GOD – He IS RISEN and well and represents ALL whom come through Him to His Father. He Intercedes and Represents those whom have NO Hope on their own! IS that not worth EVERYTHING to you – do you not burn in your heart – to serve Him, to be His Example, to grow in Him and He in you, to share Him with others – UNASHAMED and without HESITATION!
My thoughts and prayers are, in times such as these, that you make a choice to represent our Lord well. Do NOT make a mistake – the evil one will come after you with everything he’s got (i.e. after the weakest parts of you). The Good News? He CAN NOT win over the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!! You have available the INCREDIBLE, ALL-MIGHTY, ALL-KNOWING God – by just asking for Him! It IS Time to stand up for Him and NOT fear the adversary. In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.”