Jesus, His Yoke Is Easy; His Burden Is Light :)

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30

I wish there was a way that I could share with each of you just how “easy” it is to follow Jesus :).

With Jesus, we need only give our best effort, for the results will always belong to our Lord! And our “best” is always enough :). Jesus already died for our sins. He paid the price for them so that we wouldn’t have to because He loves us!

But the world, the world cares only about the results. It does not care how much we try or what we give of ourselves, it just wants the results (success)!

And success is measured incorrectly in this world! Too often the world measures success by how much wealth we have accumulated; but Jesus measures it by whether we are following Him. Jesus measures “success” by how much we love God and how much we love each other 🙂

When Jesus said His “yoke is easy; His burden is light”, He meant it. He loves us, and because He paid the price, our “best” is enough. Always!

Following Christ is easy. It’s the world that is difficult. Thank goodness, dare I say Thank God, with Jesus, our “best” is truly and always – enough :).

We can rest in the Lord and on God’s Promises 🙂