Jesus Is Still The Answer :)

With offices such as Amazon, Dell, Lyft, UKG (13,000 employees at UKG), Wells Fargo, and many other large companies not reopening their offices and companies such as Bank of America and Chase requiring masks, these are concerning times.

And with some media outlets reporting that countries such as Israel are concerned that the vaccine’s effectiveness is fading (although Israel IS pushing the “booster”, so it is hard to tell if that is true), along with the millions of unvaccinated Americans, anxiety is definitely ramping up!

But whether Covid is as dangerous as they say or not, we need not let ourselves be consumed with worry.  Jesus is still the answer. And we are still going to Heaven-where there are no sicknesses and no masks.   And the only “government” per se is the one run by Jesus Christ 🙂

So while we probably can’t help but be concerned at the media’s headlines, hold on to Jesus.  He’s coming back to take us to Heaven, and God always Keeps His Promises 🙂