Jesus’ Warning!

When Jesus returned to His hometown to preach; many people would not listen or believe.  And although Jesus had performed many miracles, they still would not believe. And He left.

In Matthew 10:15, Jesus talks about what the future will be like for “towns” that reject our Lord’s message:  15 Truly I tell you, it willl be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.”

Sadly, this reminds many of our country today.  America has been greatly Blessed by God, but in return our nation has rejected God and the Teachings of His Holy Bible.

For example, an article on Fox News says that the term “Founding Fathers” has been deemed so offensive, the Federal Reserve has advised employees to avoid using it.  The Federal Reserve has also advised employees to stop using “he” or “she”.  Our Founding Fathers, and all those who sacrificed their lives to create our great nation deserve so much better.

Our children are taught in schools that gay marriage is acceptable, when it is not acceptable in the eyes of God.  Unborn babies are murdered every day.  Our society itself has become so self-centered, how could it possibly truly love one another?  (After all it’s hard to claim you love someone when you are busy hurting them) And clearly, our nation does not put God first!

We can not as a nation expect to reject our Lord and the Teachings of the Holy Bible,  and yet expect His Blessing as a nation.

America was built on the values and traditions of Faith, Freedom and Family.  We have survived the many challenges that we have faced  because God always came first.

For those who believe in Jesus, the future has not changed. We are going Home to Heaven for forever. Watch, Prepare and Pray.  God loves you and will hear your prayers always ?

For those who do not believe, it may soon be too late ,so for your own sake, Seek and Accept Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit while you still can. God loves you 🙂