“Leave It With God”

Because God Loves Us 🙂

I must share with you that sometimes I am better at this than others.  And sometimes, often, I end up taking a “worry” back a few times before I am finally able to “leave it with our Lord”.

We all do this sometimes.  We want to “leave things with God” , but we take them back.  We have a specific solution in mind and we want that one, lol.  We are not sure we want God’s solution…

But the truth is, God’s solution is always better!  For God can see all the yesterdays, todays, and the tomorrows.  God can see every life that will be touched.  We can’t.  So we need to leave our problems with the Lord and Trust that He loves us enough that His solution will be the best!

Does that mean we can’t pray for someone to get well?  Of course not!  But our prayers should always also include “God’s Will Be Done”.  Because even in this case, God will know what is truly the best thing not only for the person who is sick, but for all who love that person.

Thank you God for loving us that much ?