“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” – John 13:34
There are so many ways that we can love one another. :). A great friend just sent me this: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change. Be kind. Love like Jesus Christ. Amen. Peace. “. 🙂
A food crisis is coming. Food will be expensive and short on supply. One practical way we can “love one another” is to share what we have! Perhaps your neighbor is having trouble affording food for the first time ever and is too proud to ask for help, 0ffer! It’s okay to ask your neighbor or workmate if they need anything. Or perhaps specifically – if they need groceries.
We can easily give a grocery gift card or actual groceries. Sometimes a gift card to the grocery store is easier, since we don’t always know what they need. We can donate food to a local food bank or a shelter. Or if we don’t have the money to do that, we can volunteer our time a church or a local food bank. They desperately need volunteers!
We can pray for that family! Prayer is always good! This is especially important if we can not afford to help them financially or with food, but they need help. Pray for them that they will receive the help they need!
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed ourselves; we don’t “feel” like helping anyone else. But God can change those feelings! We can ask God, in Jesus’ Name, to change the way we “feel”.
We can ask God to change us . In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
We can choose to help in so many ways, but it is important that we help each other in the coming days! That to is part of “loving one another”.
Prepare, Pray and Be Ready!