Make Sure To Have An Accurate Bible!

A very popular Bible website posted a Bible verse today!

“And now these three remain:  faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is charity” – Corinthians 13:13

The Bible version (KJV) ends this verse with the word “charity”, but the NIV version ends it with the word “Love”. They changed the word. A friend of mine had a really good way of defining charity, “Love in action”. But that is not exactly the same thing as “Love”. Love is defined as an “intense feeling of deep affection”. My friend had a great definition of charity, “love in action”. One is defined as a feeling and one as an action. That’s an important difference!

It’s important that we know that what we are reading in the Bible is God’s Word. And we need to read God’s Word as He shared it!

As an adult, the King James Verson is the version of the Bible that I have always read. This version is used in many Protestant churches, but many Catholic Bibles are also based on it :). We can trust it and it is available in many places and it also inexpensive. If you don’t have one, get one while you still can. And this Easter, get one for someone you love 🙂

And pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us all in the Truth ?